Abhijit Saha
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As a 10th grader what extracurriculars and average should I aim for if looking to apply to computer science?
I'm in 10th grade and trying to work my way towards computer science at waterloo or UOFT. My projected average is 91, mainly because I didn't try that hard first semester, but I understand the sacrifice I must make now. Any advice on volunteer activities or extracurriculars I should pursue to...

what do i have to do to become and obgyn
i wanna be an obgyn because i love dealing whit baby's

Can you recommend any courses I should take before proceeding further with my job search?
Student interested in medical # #medicine #doctor

Should I study Computer Engineering or Computer Science if I want to built my own software?
#computer #technology #computer-programming #computer-software #computer-engineering

Do people enjoy the scouting scene?
Wondering how scouting is. #coach #players #scouting

Did your college help you a lot to get your first job?
Hi, My name is Annemarie and I am in highschool. I heard that colleges have job offices that help students get jobs, but they do not guarantee jobs. Some of my older cousins said that they didn't think their college was very helpful for getting a job. Did you get your first job from your...