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Sarah Kinnison’s Avatar

Sarah Kinnison

Founder: Bright Ideas Education Studio
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
3 Answers
5177 Reads
16 Karma

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Anisa’s Avatar
Anisa Jun 30, 2016 2735 views

What are the differences between being a regular pediatrician and being a pediatric surgeon? The salary, what a regular day would look like for each profession, and what type of medical training you would need and how long that would take.

I'm considering going into one of these careers and I'm just wondering which one I would prefer #doctor #medicine #pediatrician #doctorate-degree #hospitals #financial-planning

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Jul 10, 2016 1311 views

Should I get involved in clubs at college?

I will be a Freshman in college this fall. I am studying Criminal Justice. There is a Criminal Justice club at my school. The rest of the clubs seem kind of lame. Will getting involved in clubs help me in future jobs? Should I join more than one club? #college #job-search #criminal-justice...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 09, 2016 1101 views

Is there anything that you regret not doing in your teen years that have impacted your career?

I guess I just don't want to have to look back and wish I did something else #career #life