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Jayne Leuterman’s Avatar

Jayne Leuterman

Senior Reservoir Engineer at Leuterman and Associates
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Houston, Texas
3 Answers
5870 Reads
1 Karma

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Humberto’s Avatar
Humberto Mar 23, 2015 1608 views

Would Mechanical Engineering be the best option in the engineering field?

I enjoy mathematics and am pretty good in science. So I know I want to pursue some engineering career. I've been told mechanical engineering could be the best choice because it is the basis of engineering. I have also been told if you major in mechanical engineering you're most likely to get a...

Eddie’s Avatar
Eddie Jul 25, 2014 2299 views

Can someone tell me the difference between a Computer Scientist and a Computer Engineer?

The reason that I am asking this question because I thought that Computer Scientist and Computer Engineer were pretty much the same thing. If it is different, than can someone tell me the difference? #computer-science #computer #technology #computer-engineering #computer-engineer

Jobseyun’s Avatar
Jobseyun Apr 14, 2013 1947 views


do they design softwares #engineering #computer