Michael Johnson
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When interviewing for a job, what should you answer when asked about your weaknesses?
Are there answers that show you are thoughtful and honest without ruining the chance of getting the job? What are companies really looking for? #interviews #college-jobs #summer-jobs #interviewing-skills #high-school-jobs

How do you see meritocracy inside a company?
I am searching for an interniship, but I am seeing that sometimes people get a job easier when there is someone inside the conpany that rely on them, that has been indicated by someone else. But is it a problem for meritrocacy? I say, a person that does not have someone inside the company to...

What degree is recommended for a prospective mechanical engineer?
I am interested in becoming a mechanical engineer and am looking at which colleges to apply to. #mechanical-engineering

Where could a mechanical or computer engineer find a job?
I just want to know where these majors find jobs. #mechanical-engineering #computer-engineering

How much does an internship in high school help?
I'm currently in an internship in my senior year with an engineering firm, is this marketable at all? #engineering #mechanical-engineering