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Debra Enneking’s Avatar

Debra Enneking

Highly experienced dentist specializing in dental restoration and comprehensive treatment for the mature mouth.
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Gig Harbor, Washington
7 Answers
13027 Reads
21 Karma

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Averion’s Avatar
Averion Aug 31, 2017 930 views

What type of programs are there to help you to become a Dentist?

I am interested in working in this field, and I want to know how many years will I need to put in to get to my goal. Also, I am looking for programs to help me reach my goals..#dentistry #dental-hygienist #medicine

Chawka’s Avatar
Chawka May 18, 2016 1036 views

How many years in college am i going to take to become a dentist?

I want to be a dentist but need to know what degree I need and how many years. #dentist #medicine #hospital #hospital-and-health-care

spencer’s Avatar
spencer Sep 28, 2017 1913 views

How important is it to be an extrovert to become a doctor?

I want a career in the medical field. I love school and am very interested in the sciences and medicine/biology in particular. I am also shy and not sure I have the 'people skills' needed to become a doctor, which is what I believe I want to do. I need to know if I am better off pursuing...

Sally’s Avatar
Sally May 26, 2016 765 views

What type of school should I transfer to after finishing my four year university?

I plan on being an orthodontist after college. I will be attending MTSU in Murfreesboro, TN. But what type of school should I attend afterwards? I have no clue what to plan for. #college #medicine #biology #healthcare #university #orthodontist

Chrissy101’s Avatar
Chrissy101 Jun 27, 2015 7133 views

Do I absolutely need to take bio,Chem and physics in high school to become a doctor?

I'm currently in grade 10 but in September I will be in grade 11. I was wondering if I absolutely need to take bio,Chem and physics in high school to become a doctor? Can I just take science 20? Will I not become a doctor if I don't take these courses in high school? #doctor #medicine #science...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Dec 17, 2016 1081 views

I do not know what I want to pursue in college. I know I want to help people, what careers can I go in?

I'm a 17 year old senior, currently I am thinking of becoming a dentist but before that I wanted to pursue pharmaceuticals. I've been hopping around from career the career, but as I am applying to colleges I need to make up my mind. Please help me. #business #medicine #nursing...

Angeles’s Avatar
Angeles May 24, 2016 1385 views

How have you reacted to the people who have told you that you don't have what it takes to become a doctor/surgeon?

I'm a high school junior who has always wanted to become someone important in the medical field. The duty to help people to the best of my ability is something I want to pursue. However, an obstacle that I've faced is the belittling of my abilities to do so. So I would like to know how certain...