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David’s Avatar
David Mar 24, 2020 1567 views

My school district has shut down for an extra week in my area due to COVID-2019 which isn't a big deal. As a senior tho it is hard to think that they might cancel school. I've been hearing rumors and even seeing in some news articles the state of Texas might postpone school for the rest of the year 2019-2020. I'm worried about how that'll affect me not gonna lie. Whether colleges think I failed to what job I apply for in the future... Any tips or advice? Thanks in advanced!

#college-advice #student #college #school #uncertain #covid-19

Jalen’s Avatar
Jalen Mar 24, 2020 885 views

Can you help me see what career is best for me?

I'm still undecided and I'm in college. #help #undecided #college

Rasya’s Avatar
Rasya Mar 24, 2020 3306 views

What is some advice you would give to a high schooler trying to get into the business and finance world?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school with plans to double major in economics and finance. I'm actively looking for internships and job opportunities that can help me gain some real-world experience before college. #business #finance #entrepreneur #internship #networking

KAREN’s Avatar
KAREN Mar 22, 2020 1177 views

What can I do when my future career probably has nothing to do with my degree?

I am studying Biological sciences but want to become a recruitment consultant instead. Should I declare a minor? #career #science #college #biology #career-counseling