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mary benito’s Avatar

mary benito

Sales Advisor
Sales and Related Occupations
Austin, Texas
5 Answers
6698 Reads
71 Karma


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Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 25, 2020 1969 views

Given the increased need to work from home, I was wondering what sort of factors should I keep in mind while finding/working in an online/virtual internship?

I'm specifically interested in finance, consulting, and non profit work

#internship #finance #consulting #nonprofit #COVID-19

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Mar 22, 2020 627 views

What tools can help students focus with so many distractions given the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic?

I’m a grade 11 student at RH King in Scarborough. I love acting and have successfully landed five auditions for leading and supporting roles in short films, theatre and television series. I like learning about business, investments and the economy. I am a diehard Raptors fan and supporter with...

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Mar 21, 2020 2634 views

What advice do you have for students applying for entry-level roles as recent graduates amid the COVID-19 pandemic?

#graduate #career #resume #stem #job #compsci #first-job #hiring #computer_science #engineering #tech #civil-engineering #COVID-19

Denny’s Avatar
Denny Mar 23, 2020 858 views

How could i grow in the career I’m looking for?

A senior in Hillsborough county #fyp #biology

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Mar 23, 2020 848 views

what are other ways that college or university can help ?
