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Paulo Henriques’s Avatar

Paulo Henriques

Detective at Hudson County Prosecutor's Office
Protective Service Occupations
New York, New York
5 Answers
39168 Reads
16 Karma

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Eric’s Avatar
Eric Apr 08, 2014 1427 views

What's a good decision after getting out of the Military?

I was always deciding into being in the U.S Army or Marines something like that, so I was always thinking being in the Military to do service for years or do some years and become a police officer after the Military. #law-enforcement #us-army-military

CareerVillage ’s Avatar
CareerVillage Dec 29, 2011 4101 views

What is the career path to a successful career in the U.S. military?

I'm interested in exploring a career in the military, but I'm not sure exactly what that all entails--whether it's the right choice for me, what the options are within the military, and how to be successful. #career-paths #military #army #air-force #navy

Ebagaoisan’s Avatar
Ebagaoisan Apr 10, 2013 1895 views

Is there any career options within the military regarding chemistry?

I am very interested in the military and chemistry and I was wondering if both subjects could be integrated together as my career. Right now I am considering majoring in chemistry in college but I still interested in being involved with the military. #chemistry #military

Jeremy’s Avatar
Jeremy Apr 01, 2015 1390 views

When you are a police officer how long are the hours?

Hi my name is Jeremy I would like to know the hours of being a police officer. When I was nine years old I wanted to become a police officer. I have had people tell that I would make a good police officer. #law #police #police-officer #legal-advice #sheriff

Jon ’s Avatar
Jon May 14, 2015 30233 views

Does going to the Military better my chances of becoming a police officer or firefighter

I am a sophomore in high school and I am wondering if by going into the Military will boost my chances of becoming a police office or a firefighter, when I get out of the Military.