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Adam Harwood’s Avatar

Adam Harwood

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
5 Answers
4764 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Nov 20, 2019 806 views

How many years of college do you suggest for a computer scientist

#technology #computer #software #computer-science #information-technology

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Mar 13, 2020 907 views

Where is a good place to start?

As a high school student with the goal to life the dream I would like to know where a good entry level job would be for a new game developer. I do have the ability to learn quickly and think creatively but not to the point where I wan to go inde #software . #gamedev #technology #job

sinna’s Avatar
sinna Apr 01, 2020 1185 views

Career with physics, philosophy, psychology , history or music?

I apologise for how long this post is but, I'm very passionate about physics (especially theoretical like quantum but i do enjoy almost every aspect of physics), music (mostly jazz and classical, but every genre is interesting in its own way), philosophy as well as psychology/neuroscience and...

DJ’s Avatar
DJ Mar 04, 2020 1149 views

What's the hardest thing you've ever done with CST?

I'm entering the Computer Service Tech career path, and I'm wondering what the biggest challenge others in that field have had to overcome #computer-science #computer #technology #computer-software

Aun’s Avatar
Aun Mar 17, 2020 1075 views

Which Web Developer role or Stack is higher in demand, Front-End, Back-End or Full-Stack? Why?

This question intrigues me since I've believed that back-end has always had a higher barrier to entry to the mathematics behind it, and front-end being for those who have a knack for design, making front-end usually more popular, however, with varying responses on the internet I'm slightly...