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Leah’s Avatar


New York, New York
9 Questions
668 Karma

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I want to be a Physician Assistant


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Leah Jun 07, 2023 11959 views

How do you improve your communication and public speaking skills?

To all the professionals out there, there are so many professions that require pristine communications skills. For students that are shy and/or not good at public speaking and communication, what are some suggestions that helped you?

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Leah Apr 13, 2021 789 views

What is a better job to pursue, PA or NP?

#medical #PA #nurse #physicianassistant

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Leah Jul 22, 2020 860 views

How is COVID 19 affecting the job growth, competition and future of the field of engineering? How is it changing and what are the good/bad aspects of these changes?

#job #engineering #JULY20 #COVID19

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Leah Jul 22, 2020 1319 views

What are the key factors to consider when making the decision regarding your career path? How do you know if this path is the right one for you?

#career-path #career-development

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Leah Apr 20, 2020 1909 views

Is it better to get a B.Arch degree or a M.Arch degree? What is the difference? Also if you get a B.Arch degree do you need to go to graduate school?

#architect #architecture #degree

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Leah Apr 03, 2020 680 views

Would you recommend to others to take this path?

#architect #architecture #career

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Leah Apr 03, 2020 1521 views

what other jobs can your pursue with an architectural degree?

#architect #job #career

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Leah Apr 03, 2020 875 views

What is the worst part of the career?

#architect #career-choice #architecture

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Leah Apr 03, 2020 1350 views

What is the best part of the career? #architect

#architecture #career #career-counseling