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Louisena’s Avatar
Louisena Oct 20, 2016 1627 views

What is the lifestyle of a pediatric surgeon?

My career goal is to be a pediatric surgeon #medicine #hospital-and-health-care #pediatrics

Mira’s Avatar
Mira Oct 18, 2016 759 views

Is it worth all the college years spent to become a doctor?

I'm aiming to be in the medical field and i was wondering if its worth all the years that id be spending in becoming one. Everyone that I've talked to either tells me yes it'll all be worth it in the end, but other say that ill be wasting the young years of my life away. #doctor #nurse...

Chaveli’s Avatar
Chaveli May 15, 2016 1199 views

As an aspiring doctor, what skills/strengths should I focus on besides the fundamental ones?

I am a rising senior and extremely determined to be a doctor, I would like to know what skills/strengths I should know. #medicine #doctorate-degree #neuroscience #hospital-and-health-care #career #science

MeMe’s Avatar
MeMe May 15, 2016 733 views

Are there ways to pay off your student debt through medical school?

I know it can get expensive and medical school can cost a lot of money, but is it true that you can go to rural places or even other countries to pay of your student debt? #hospital-and-health-care #medicine #doctor #college #career #career-counseling

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia May 15, 2016 1066 views

With wanting to go into the medical field, do you get to have some practice (hands-on)?

I want to know if I would be able to do practice on people. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #pediatrics #hospital-and-health-care

alyssa’s Avatar
alyssa May 16, 2016 957 views

What should I expect going into medical school?

I would like to know what i can expect so that way i can properly learn how to handle it before i go. #pediatrician #neurosurgeon #plastic-surgeon #cardiologist #medicine #hospital-and-health-care #college

Giona’s Avatar
Giona May 16, 2016 1090 views

What are medical residencies like?

I want to go into psychiatry and 4-5 years of the schooling is medical residencies. I just want to know what to expect and what I am getting myself into. #medicine #psychiatry #psychiatrists #doctor #hospital-and-health-care

Grace’s Avatar
Grace May 16, 2016 1072 views

What medical schools have good opportunities for graduates wanting to be a OB/GYN?

After a graduate medical school, I want to be informed on where is a good place to start my residency for obstetrics & gynecology #medicine #obstetrics #hospital-and-health-care #hospital

hema’s Avatar
hema May 16, 2016 1328 views

How many years of collage do you need to become a vet?

Cause I need to know! #veterinarian #veterinary #veterinary-medicine #animals #animal-health #animal #medicine #science

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany May 16, 2016 964 views

What Education Do You Need To Be A Coroner?

I've watched CSI, Cold Case Files, and like shows all of my life. I have always wanted the experience to be able to examine human bodies for clues and evidence. #doctor #medicine-examiner #education #career #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

Destinie’s Avatar
Destinie May 17, 2016 947 views

When being in the medical field, what is the most stressful part about it?

Im asking because I'm going to college in the fall, and I want to be in medical field! Im not sure exactly what I wanna do but I have an idea such as being a general surgeon, and physician, or even plastic surgery. #medicine #healthcare #hospital #hospital-and-health-care

Destinie’s Avatar
Destinie May 17, 2016 844 views

Whats the best way about being a surgeon when you have a family or are planning to have one? Is it better to be a general surgeon or go into specialty?

Im really focused on becoming a vernal surgeon since it is my dream since I was little, and I am personally a family oriented person who would love to have a family of my own someday. But i realized that general surgeons work up to 12 hours daily and have to be available at ALL time when on "on...

Sage’s Avatar
Sage May 17, 2016 808 views

What classes should I expect to take with a pre-medicine Bachelors degree?

I want to go into medical school what is the best bachelor major I can go into to prepare me for Medical school. #pediatrics #surgeon #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

Mariana’s Avatar
Mariana May 18, 2016 1900 views

What should I major in if I plan to become a dermatologist?

Since I started high school, I've been interested in dermatology but I'm not sure what to major in in order to pursue this career path. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Terri’s Avatar
Terri May 18, 2016 994 views

If I have a 3.4 gpa in high school would I survive the pathway of becoming a medical school student?

I've always wanted to goto medical school. #hospital-and-health-care #medicine #college