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Pooja Bharadwaj’s Avatar

Pooja Bharadwaj

Security Consulting Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
3 Answers
4204 Reads
1 Karma

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Maria’s Avatar
Maria Feb 21, 2020 1313 views

I'm looking to increase the amount of exposure teens like me (17) have to coding and computer sciences so they can take it into account when thinking about their future like I'm doing. What could be the best way to do so?

I've thought about this a lot and I think organizing a workshop in schools that do not include computer science courses in their curriculum is the way to go. During the workshops, students will be taught to program in certain languages by experts, although I still nee a lot more planning. I am...

Afolabi’s Avatar
Afolabi Apr 07, 2020 2116 views

How to make money from doing what you love

I am a computer science undergraduate, I am not a fan of programming like that, I do and I like it though but I love coaching and acting. But making it in coaching and acting is a tough one.#computer-science #acting #career

Purushotham’s Avatar
Purushotham Jun 22, 2016 1383 views

In which stream i should select in higher studies to become a Software Engineer?

I want to become a Software Engineer. But, I couldn't know to select my stream in higher studies. Please tell me which stream could i select? #college #studies