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Sharan Harti’s Avatar

Sharan Harti

Technical Service Engineer
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
18097 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Archit’s Avatar
Archit Apr 22, 2019 6961 views

Want to study Cloud Computing, don't know where to start from?

I want to study Cloud Computing and develop it as a career afterwards, but the main obstacle I come across is from where I should start, I've searched on google and quora but most of the answers are related to data science or AWS. It's very confusing as I cannot understand what I want to do in...

Sivakumar’s Avatar
Sivakumar Mar 19, 2019 2797 views

I am moving back to India ? How do I cope up with this new environment

I am moving back to India ? How do I cope up with this new environment #moving #India #career

Juwan’s Avatar
Juwan Mar 09, 2020 8956 views

On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you with your career?

#career-choice #career-path #career-counseling #career