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Danné E. Davis’s Avatar

Danné E. Davis

Diversity and Inclusion Professional
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
3 Answers
13914 Reads
56 Karma

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Jerresa’s Avatar
Jerresa Oct 31, 2023 9053 views

How do i determine what career i want to pursue after Highschool?

I am in 12th grade and i feel like im unprepared for graduate life. I also want to do a lot of things after high school and i feel like no knowing an exact one is stressful

Kiara’s Avatar
Kiara May 19, 2016 1170 views

Why do you think race play a huge part when entering college?

#school #colleges #acceptance #race #race-discrimination #career #higher-education

Joana’s Avatar
Joana Sep 26, 2015 3299 views

What is it like to become a teacher? I'm thinking of becoming one as well :)

Can someone give me a list of types teachers Out there instead of school (Don't give me English, math, science, etc.,) I want to become a teacher out there. But what other teachers are there?? :) #teacher #art #children #learning #talent