Career questions tagged acceptance

If I am asked to apply for financial aid, did I get accepted to the college?
I have been asked to apply for financial aid by multiple colleges and afterward, I receive my admission packet. #collegeapps #financialaid #acceptance

How do I get past the inner turmoil a teenager faces?
The moment I stepped into my teenage years, I felt a shift in the way my family views me. I went from being a being an adolescent child? I'm seventeen now. And you can imagine how detrimental it is to my inner struggle of self-identity. I am treated as a child if I dare raise an opinion and yet expected to make decisions that I simply can't understand when it all changed. Or how it changed? We learn to accept, but should we accept? #acceptance #defeat #intellectualquestions #humane-society #child-psychology

How do you know which college is best for you? would you go for the college that gives you the most money or should you go for a college that you like more?
If I was to get accepted to multiple colleges should i go for the one that gives ,e the most money or the one i desire to go to more? #college #applications #acceptance

Why do you think race play a huge part when entering college?
#school #colleges #acceptance #race #race-discrimination #career #higher-education

Would University of California, Berkeley accept me If I kept these grades up? ENG - 102 Trig - 98.37 Science - 96.32 Global History - 95.5
I'm a Sophomore and I really really want to get into Berkeley. What things would I need to do, other than have good grades, in order to have a higher chance for getting into Berkeley ? #college #university #berkeley #acceptance