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Malisa Gill’s Avatar

Malisa Gill

Sr. Director, Audit, Controls & Complaince
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
34 Answers
41670 Reads
89 Karma


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Megan’s Avatar
Megan Apr 08, 2020 679 views

How do I figure out if I am interested in studying physical therapy and how can I prepare myself to apply to those programs when applying for college?

I am a highschool junior interested in this field and just want to know more about it and how to get involved. #physicaltherapy #college #career

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jun 13, 2016 14059 views

Are Leaders born or made?

I am a high school student and I consider myself a leader. I however, want to improve my leadership skills as I will be taking on bigger leadership positions in the next school year. I know that leaders are made through learning and teaching but also, could it be true that we may be born with...