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Kyle Bumpers’s Avatar

Kyle Bumpers

Physical Therapist
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Los Angeles, California
5 Answers
3949 Reads
11 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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Charlene’s Avatar
Charlene Apr 16, 2020 1751 views

Is audiology a good career? I’m deciding between that and physical therapy and chiropractic. I’m really nervous about choosing one these career paths because I want to be able to find a job.

My name is Charlene and im confused on what career path I should take due to interest’ Job growth/availability, and money. #career #job #career-choice #career-counseling

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Jul 24, 2018 725 views

Is there cross over degrees that combine a doctorate of physical therapy degree and an athletic trainers certification simultaneously or must students pursue these two goals separately?

#athletictraining #physicaltherapy

Isabela’s Avatar
Isabela Jul 13, 2018 634 views

which college is best fitted for me to become a physical therapist.


Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff Apr 17, 2020 692 views

Will it still be worth being a doctor in 20 years with potential healthcare changes?

#medicine #doctor

Alexas’s Avatar
Alexas Jan 16, 2018 676 views

Is a physical therapist pay grade based off your location or popularity/experience?

I wanted to know should I open my own clinic in my home state and stay home bound or should I move where more help is needed in my profession once I get to that state of progress.
#physical-therapy #salary