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Vinesh Vonteru’s Avatar

Vinesh Vonteru

Software Engineering
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Ashburn, Virginia
3 Answers
11625 Reads
11 Karma

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Mirna’s Avatar
Mirna May 10, 2020 1807 views

How to choose your career if you don't have any hobbies or something you're interested in ?


Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Apr 29, 2020 6591 views

Where Do I Start Investing For Beginner ?

I keep hearing about investing some money, so I decided to give it a try.
But I need help?
How do I start investing?
What app is good for investing?

#finance #accounting #investment-management #money #career #COVID19 #Help #money

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 12, 2020 4028 views

would it be a good idea to work with your best friend?

I dont think it is but I would like different type of perspective