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Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Sep 01, 2018 1015 views

What will help college admissions officers look at my resume

What kind of things should I do to differentiate my self from the rest of the crowd of other students. # #resume #college #college-admissions

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Sep 01, 2018 1134 views

What kind of studying habits should use in college

How can I study in a way that I wont forget when I’m in front of any exam I have #studying-tips #studylife

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 31, 2018 819 views

What are mistakes most college students make?

I know that this applies to many minorities like myself, who are going to be first generation college students, we don’t really have a guide or somebody to tell us what we should watch out for and what mistakes not to make since nobody in our family can warn us about this. #FirstGeneration

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 31, 2018 769 views

What type of relationships should I create in college?

What relationships should we focus on the most, should we focus on prioritizing relationships with our friends or should we focus on maintaining a strong relationship with our proffesor. #relationships #college

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Aug 31, 2018 1339 views

Is there a specific investing/trading stocks class in college?

#classes #classes #graduate-school #high-school-classes #college-applications #business #daytrading

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Aug 29, 2018 615 views

How do I stop procrastinating?

I try to peave my house and go somewhere else, for instance go to my college campus. But I will still slack off and go on my phone. #student

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Aug 29, 2018 1211 views

How do I maintain focus when reading?

When I am trying to read a chapter my mind often drifts off, thinking about random things. Before I know it 30 minutes flew by and I have no idea what I just "read." #studying #student

Ajaysia’s Avatar
Ajaysia Aug 28, 2018 863 views

What would be a better job? Child psycologist within the school district OR A CHILD PSYCOLIGIST IN MY OWN OFFICE?


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