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Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Sep 25, 2021 499 views

How can I get better in art/animation?

I am 18 and have very little experience in art. What are some things I can do to gain experience? #art

ayleen’s Avatar
ayleen Sep 24, 2021 1136 views

how do you just put your emotions aside when your dealing a personal case as a social worker

my name ayleen i want to learn a little bit of being a social worker #social-work #social-worker

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Sep 23, 2021 1370 views

What are the steps to become a kpop idol?

#career #singer

Brayan’s Avatar
Brayan Sep 22, 2021 815 views

Do pharmacist go into debt? If so how much on average?

I want to know if this career will involve me trying to pay back lots of debt. I want to pay as minimal as possible #financial-planning #debt

Brayan’s Avatar
Brayan Sep 22, 2021 573 views

What colleges are best for pursuing a career in Pharmacy? I prefer a private college but i'm interested in finding which is the best one for that career.

I want to know what college is the best for this career. I prefer one that a private since I want all my hard work to pay off. I'm thinking a retail pharmacist as a possible career. #college #career-choice

Brayan’s Avatar
Brayan Sep 22, 2021 729 views

How long will it take for one to become a pharmacist?

I'm considering this career. I am 16 years old and want to know further about what it takes to become a pharmacist. #pharmacist

Marlene’s Avatar
Marlene Sep 21, 2021 776 views

Do OB GYN have a program ? How long is the program?


Marlene’s Avatar
Marlene Sep 21, 2021 802 views

what do we need to know about ob gyn ?


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