Career questions tagged social-worker

been thinking about becoming a social worker. What are some key skills and qualities needed to succeed in this field, and are there any specific areas of social work that are currently growing or in high demand ?
Thank mercy u

Human Services or Social Worker?
Hi everyone, I switched from Computer Science to Pre-Social Work at a community college. I have received so much advice that confused me. My case manager encouraged me to pursue in Social Work field which is more job opportunities. My academic advisor encouraged me to consider Human Services for I only have to complete 37 credits in community college (because some of my credits from my previous major counted) while it will be 52 credits in pre-social work. I also looked at the university website where I want to transfer. The BS for Human Services only takes 52 credits to complete, whereas 120 in Social Worker. My questions are: Can I get a Human Services BS and then earn a Social Worker MSW? On the requirement courses, I see courses in Human Services are more interesting than Social Worker. The 2nd question is which one is your recommendation for me? Thank you so much!

Can I still become a child psychologist if I pursue a (B.S.) instead of (B.A.)?
I'm struggling, because the college I got accepted into doesn't offer a bachelor in arts only in science, but would I still be able to become a child psychologist?

What are some good colleges to look into, to become a teacher?
I'm in the 9th grade and really want to be a teacher. But I need to start looking at some to go to.

What does the work environment look like when working as a social worker in a hospital or school.?
I want to work with children so I am deciding if I want to be a social worker for a hospital or school. But I also wonder how a day to day would look like. I have talked with the few social workers I know but most of them work for the state rather then the field I want to go to though it might be the same I still want to know in what ways its different and what could be similar with work load, hours and more.

What types of things can I start doing to work toward college. Another question I have is what majors work with young children. Lastly, is there are certain things that I need to work toward to work with kids or in certain fields such as being an educator or a social worker for children and more?
I am in 9th grade in a high school located in California. As of right now I am 14 years old. I am willing to do things such as volunteering, researching, taking classes and more

What's the different thing you may do during the job like on hands or at a desk?

How much can you get paid going into the social work field ?
What is everything you have to go through to get the job?

Is it possible to work in the Social Work field with a Bachlor degrree in Political Science?
I am entering my third year of my Bachelor studies in Political Science.I am feeling very very lost .Unfortunately, along the way I have realized that this degree isn't what I want to do in the future. I have been exploring my options, and I find Social Work like such a compatible job for me. I have this huge drive and desire to help others and at the same time I have an interest in advocacy and being part of social movements/organizations.I think I have a lot of traits that could really contribute to the social work field,for example: empathy. I am searching for internships in social work organizations,but haven't had any luck. Could I venture into this field with my degree? If yes, how could I do this?

What are the requirements for being a Social Worker?
I want to be a Child Welfare Social Worker, do you have any advice on where and how I should start?

How do I get to my end goals ?
How do I get to my end goals? I'm struggling to understand the concept.

Hello! I am currently trying to get back into college and my major prior was Nursing. However, after a giveaway event I've done I found a love for social work. I'm currently 21 and I'm wondering if others can share their experience of being a social worker, especially from the women minority experience. In addition to if you're doing social work in a big city. Also if you can share the environment you use your degree in that would be amazing! Thank you again.
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What class/classes would be best to take in high school if I am interested in becoming a social worker?
I am in 9th grade and want to know what classes I should take during my last few years of high school.

How can a social worker be of help to the society?
In aspect of socialization to the community

How many hours do you work on a typical day?
Do you work 8 hours typically?

How hard was this job when you first started?
Did this job ever make you frustrated?

How organized do i have to be to be a social worker?
like do i need to do lists?

What classes do you need to be a therapist?
What college do you need to go to for being a therapist? How long do you need to be in it? Why is it expensive? When do you expect to be a therapist?

How to get experience as an undergraduate social work student who is unable to drive?
I am looking for ways to gain experience through virtual capacities and online certifications. Feel free to include other ideas as well that are not virtual just so I can explore those options later on when I purchase a vehicle.

What are some steps to becoming a social worker?
Degrees I should pursue Internships

What will my future career in social work bring others and myself?
What will my future career in social work bring others and myself? #sociology

What other jobs are related to social work?
I am planning to take the career pathway of social work but I still want to be aware of other careers that relate to that.

How do I get into the field of social work when I'm only a junior in high school?
- Internships - Volunteer Work

How long will it take to become a social worker ?
How long will it take to become a social worker? How many hours should I expect to dedicate to social work? How Many years in school do I need to become a Registered nurse and what GPA should I have? I am an 18-year-old who is currently enrolled in Jobcorps I'm interested in working with Child protective services but would like to know how many years I would spend in school to become a social worker along with how many hours id be spending at work once I am a social worker?

How would you describe the pros and cons of being a social worker?
Trinity, age 18

What steps need to be taken to open your own daycare?
I am interested in starting up my own preschool or daycare and I am not sure where to start to get that process going.

what conflicts should I expect when being a social worker?
Whenever I read articles, and hear things about conflicts that I should expect when I become a social worker, I never get a clear answer or idea of what really occurs within this specific job.

Social work vs social service ?
i’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this but, If i’m looking to go into social work, what’s the difference between a public administration and social service major vs a social work, general? and which one should i take? because i’ve seen both of those pop up when doing my research.