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Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jan 23, 2018 1197 views

Best ways to manage time in college?

I'm a current college sophomore, and I never feel like I have enough time in the day. I want to do well in my classes, but when I study it's very time consuming. This wasn't so bad before, but now that I'm trying to get more involved around campus and applying for internships I've got a lot...

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jan 23, 2018 8103 views

Best way to earn 150 credits to take the CPA Exam?

I'm currently a sophomore at Rutgers Business School majoring in accounting and want to know what would be the best way to earn those credits. Should I double major, get my masters, minor in a few things, or do something else entirely? I'm planning on doing auditing for the big 4, but I'm open...

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Jan 23, 2018 989 views

What is the best way to stay in contact with co-workers after an internship?

I currently have an internship in Ohio but my school and permanent address is in New Jersey. The people here are good people and might help me in the future. I want to maintain some contact so the opportunity doesn't disappear. What is the best way to maintain contact even when I get busier in...

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Jan 22, 2018 677 views

What are the top medical schools on the east coast?

I am beginning to look for medical schools to attend in a few years, and I would love to have a jump start and having an idea on which are ranked highly.


Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Jan 22, 2018 708 views

How can I best prepare myself in my undergraduate years for medical school in the future?

Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be a oediatrican. Now that I am in college, my dreams can start to become a reality and I want to know the best tips on how to be as successful and as prepared as I can be for medical school.

#medicine #medicalschool

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Jan 21, 2018 842 views

Know what your dream job is?

As a mechanical engineer, I know that I have many options for my career choice. But I am also worried that I won't be able to find a job that I enjoy. What are the best ways or what are the right questions to ask to find out if I like a job or not? #enginnering #happiness...

Ayokunnumi’s Avatar
Ayokunnumi Jan 20, 2018 1651 views

Is Organic Chemistry a hard course in college?

I'm thinking about going into pharmacy.

Ayokunnumi’s Avatar
Ayokunnumi Jan 20, 2018 550 views

Is it possible that I could spend a day in a profession, so I know what I could be dealing with in the future?

I don't want to get into a profession where I don't like the environment I'm working in. I rather know what it feels like before I enter the profession.

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 19, 2018 626 views

How can I get an internship in my field

I am looking for internships for Food Scientists but all I can find are companies looking for experienced scientists. #internships #foodscience

Jeancarlo’s Avatar
Jeancarlo Jan 17, 2018 904 views

What is a skill or quality most people overlook when it comes to interviewing that is actually vitally important?

As a college student, the transition to the workforce is happening really soon. Since I will have to do many interviews, what soft skill or quality should I make sure I have in order to make myself as hirable as possible? #interviews #jobs #computer-science #professional-development #stem...

Jeancarlo’s Avatar
Jeancarlo Jan 17, 2018 1612 views

How should a computer science major keep up with the constant changes in the field and with technology itself ?

I'm a computer science major and I constantly hear about new strategies, programming languages, and technologies that are supposed to be the next big thing. It would be impossible to keep up with all of them, but, in order to stay up to date, how do I tell which new thing is the best to invest...

Fathima’s Avatar
Fathima Jan 17, 2018 886 views

What should I expect when it comes to sexism and racism in the STEM field, because I know it's quite pervasive in the US?

I'm South Asian, muslim, and a woman, and so far I've not experienced a lot of sexist or racist treatment, but I expect I'll run into it eventually. Is there any ideology I should keep in mind, or any resources I should look into?

#racism #sexism #biology #biotechnology #women-in-stem

Fathima’s Avatar
Fathima Jan 17, 2018 749 views

How do I blend visual art and writing skill with my biotechnology degree for a career?

Ever since I was a kid, I was constantly stuck between wanting to be an artist, a writer, or a scientist. There must be some way to have all these things in my life, but I'm not really sure since I want to be a microbiologist or parasitologist. #biology #biotechnology #molecular-biology...

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Jan 17, 2018 410 views

The balance between School and sport/social life

I am wondering if i can keep a super busy schedule in college, while maintaining great grades? #iceskater

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Jan 17, 2018 571 views

Is it right college decision for me?

I have applied to multiple colleges with multiple scholarships. But the cost is just so expensive. I'm really in love with a college but it cost so much money. Another college gave me an almost free ride. But im stuck and I'm paying for it all on my own. So what do you recommend. #college #biology

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