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Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Mar 05, 2018 756 views

What should you do—pick a stable job with a solid income or go after what will make you happy?

Money is important. We all want to be able to live comfortably. If I get an opportunity to have a stable job with a steady income that I’m not necessarily in love with, real talk should I take it? Or try to find what makes me “happy.”
#dreamjob #moneyversushappiness

Casson’s Avatar
Casson Jan 23, 2018 726 views

When does one determine when they have made it and is successful?

I'm asking because I cannot imagine myself in the future at the moment, so I am curious about when that feeling comes and what that feeling actually is. #success

Casson’s Avatar
Casson Jan 23, 2018 728 views

How can you tell when ou know what career or job you want to pursue for the rest of your life?

I'm asking because I am currently undecided about my major in college and ultimately, what career I want to pursue as well. #clueless

A’s Avatar
A Jan 22, 2018 895 views

Is summer after freshman year to early for an internship?

I"m curious when a college student should start looking for internships. #internships

A’s Avatar
A Jan 22, 2018 667 views

What history courses are good for a classical voice major.

My degree will be a Bachelors of Music with only room for a few liberal arts classes. I hope to get advice on what courses are good to round out my knowledge. #vocalperformance

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Jan 18, 2018 781 views

What are high school classes that I should take to pursue a journalism career?

I am not sure what classes are available to me as a freshmen besides English 9.
#whichwaytogo #journalism #writing #career-counseling #career-development

Zoel’s Avatar
Zoel Jan 18, 2018 1049 views

How are teen supposed to pay for college?

College is impractically expensive. How is the modern day teen expected to pay such a hefty fine for an education? #freecollege

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Jan 17, 2018 756 views

what do we do when we change what we want to go to college for?

We are all pressured in high school to know what we want to do for a career when we grow up but how should we know? What happens if we get into $50,000 in debt for college to become a vet and then realize we want to be a police officer? Then what do we do? #debt

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