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Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian May 27, 2016 1142 views

When applying for a job, is it necessary to have every popular social app? such as facebook or twitter

Im a chemical engineering student in my senior year and i have every social but Facebook and twitter are the least i use. Im very active on snapchat, instagram, and linked in. Will a "recruiter", not sure what they are called, be asking for any social app? #college #engineering #engineer #job...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian May 27, 2016 1134 views

For an engineering profession, will an engineer be required to have taken the FE Exam? (Fundamentals of Engineering)

Im a chemical engineering student in my senior year and my advisor said that if i take the FE exam, i wont have to take a engineering elective but i have seen a FE practice exam and i haven't taken the proper class that i will be taking until my last semester. I would like to know if in the...

Julian’s Avatar
Julian May 27, 2016 3984 views

How likely are big tech companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. going to pay for my Master's education in Computer Science?

I am a high school senior about to graduate and attend San Jose State University majoring in Computer Science. I intend to attain a B.S. degree in my major with an emphasis in software engineering. I did some research concerning the degrees associated with my major and found that the average...

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin May 27, 2016 1077 views

Should the rigorousness of a job be considered for when choosing a career?

Ever since 3rd grade, I have put myself in more rigorous academic situations (specifically Gifted and Talent and the International Baccalaureate Program) and I respond well to hard work. Will all of the difficult courses I have been taking, I started to look at jobs that require a lot more...

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin May 27, 2016 1107 views

What do you suggest doing when the majors you're interested in are vastly different and require very different schooling?

I am interested in early education or being a pediatrician. I do not know what type of schooling I'll be able to afford and do not have enough basis to make a decision likely until a few years into college. Unfortunately, these two majors seem to require extremely different schooling and I do...

Marymar’s Avatar
Marymar May 27, 2016 3958 views

If I earn a bachelor's degree in Political Science and Public Health Policy, what are a few of the best graduate schools I can further my education in?

These next four years, I will be working hard to earn my undergraduate degree. However, I want to know some of the best graduate schools that will assist me into becoming a community public official. #law #government #politics

Marymar’s Avatar
Marymar May 27, 2016 2896 views

Will double majoring in Public Health Policy and Political Science serve as a good first step to become a politically involved public official?

I aspire to become a public official in a community, such as a mayor etc. I want to become more informed about politics, law and how communities work in order to help guide and improve them. #law #government #politics

Mario’s Avatar
Mario May 26, 2016 1481 views

What careers can I get with an English Degree?

English is the major I am pursuing in college. I like reading and writing. #professor #university #graduate #writing #english

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