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Ayo’s Avatar
Ayo Jun 20, 2024 754 views

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel Jun 18, 2024 1200 views

Where should someone who wants to become an actor start. What are some things a person should expect while becoming an actor. ?

High school graduate of 2024 wanting to build the career in acting and theater

NatalieHazel’s Avatar
NatalieHazel Jun 18, 2024 786 views

My experience at Los Angeles Pierce College’s Nursing Program - Important!

My experience at Los Angeles Pierce College’s Nursing Program - Important! Los Angeles Pierce College has a 2-year ADN nursing program located in the valley of Southern California that's got one of the highest NCLEX pass rates at around 100% year after year. But what they do not tell you is...

Jupiter’s Avatar
Jupiter Jun 17, 2024 702 views

What classes should I take for aerospace engineering?

I’m starting college in August I have no idea what classes should I take if I wanna do the two year transfer to university. And what volunteer work should I do?

Leslie’s Avatar
Leslie Jun 16, 2024 710 views

If you are in college and you're major is Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Neuroscience, or Molecular Biology, can you name the school you attend(ed) and what consisted of the curriculum In other words, why did you choose your major and how advantageous was it for you?

I am a rising high school senior and am looking for insight into different college majors. I want to get into med school. If you have any tips, please share!

Igor’s Avatar
Igor Jun 13, 2024 2154 views

Would a MS Finance help me get work experience with totally unrelated undergrad major?

Hello, I'm a journalism major and I want to pursue investor relations, but most finance jobs require finance degrees, and I'm wondering if a MS would help me get work experience.

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Jun 11, 2024 2567 views

How do people find their next job opportunity while they may still be employed?

If people are ready to level up or switch in their careers, how do they find their next job opportunity while they may still be employed? I am currently working my first job in the nonprofit/education industry since graduating college, and I am thinking about finding another job in a year.

Mariaelena’s Avatar
Mariaelena Jun 08, 2024 965 views

I am exploring the ways that my skills and values align. I value achievement, commitment, and independence and my strongest skills are related to technology; these included listening, computer, and organizing. Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align ?

I just graduated high school and plan to go to community college for two years and then transfer to Cal State LA

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