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Doraville, GA

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Summer’s Avatar
Summer Nov 19, 2023 2130 views

how do I get a no experience required job to start out my career Im looking for a job fitting in environmental conservation but the only jobs available are fast food?

how do I get a no experience required job to start out my career? Im looking for a job fitting in environmental conservation but the only jobs available are fast food

Keiana’s Avatar
Keiana Nov 11, 2023 5333 views

What is the best coding language to learn as a beginner??

I'm a student in high school and I'm very interested in coding. However, all the computer science and coding classes at my school and in my area are for scratch. Could anyone help me pick a language to learn that I will actually use in the future?

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Nov 09, 2023 929 views

How do i prepare for college and know when to apply?

How do i prepare for college, and how will i know when to start applying? I need to know what colleges are good for me, i want to major in art and design i have considered SCAD but i have heard it is a toxic learning community.

France’s Avatar
France Nov 04, 2023 860 views

How do I choose what career I want to have in the future?

I am interested in the marketing field, nursing field, and psychology field I feel incredibly passionate about these fields. I am also a junior in high school

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Oct 29, 2023 438 views

How can i find the right scholarships to be able to pay for medical school to become a nurse?

I am a b average in most of my classes. And eventhough I'm in my first year of highschool I would like to be able to get an early start and find collages and scholarships that are right for me.

Quaniecia’s Avatar
Quaniecia Oct 23, 2023 1433 views

How did you know you wanted to pursue a career in forensic science?

Hello, I have recently developed an interest in forensics and have decided that that is what I want to do. I am currently getting my associate's in general studies, and once I complete that, I'll focus on the studies required for forensic science. What schools do you suggest I go to? What...

Marii’s Avatar
Marii Oct 20, 2023 1228 views

Any tip on starting a business in high school ?

I’m a 9th grader and I want to start a business while in high school any tip or steps on how to go about it

Noelle’s Avatar
Noelle Oct 12, 2023 390 views

Are there any internships in Atlanta, Georgia for Formula 1?

As an American, it's much harder to get into the Formula 1 industry. I think finding an internship would be key to getting a future career in f1.

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