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Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 09, 2017 1838 views

What is the best online program for obtaining cyber-security experience?

I may be planning on going into the cyber-security/network security, so I was wondering where and what would offer me the best experience and knowledge on security basics at any place and anytime. #networking #cyber-security #computer-security #it-management #online-learning #network-security...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 09, 2017 1136 views

How often do Tech Representatives at a University obtain tickets?

I am wondering about the quantity of work required to be a help-desk or IT manager at a university. #university #information-technology #it-management #tickets

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 09, 2017 1419 views

What are the necessary requirements for obtaining a Bachelors of Science degree for the IT field?

I am planning on forwarding my education into getting a degree at Radford University, so I was wondering what they would require in terms of classes and certifications. #computer-science #higher-education #bachelors-degree #it-management

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 09, 2017 1019 views

What prerequisites are there for basic IT office administrators?

I am wondering about what knowledge and certifications are required to become, say, an office administrator or a basic help-desk technician. I already know about the Comptia 220-901 and 902 (A+) certification and am persistently studying to acquire it, but I need to know what else there is...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 09, 2017 1110 views

What parts of a network will require management while configuring basic cyber-security?

I am asking this because I am in the Information Systems Technology field (IST), but I am debating on whether I should use my office experience to go into management or cyber-security. My basic understandings are on Cisco Networking Academy, so please elaborate on whether the security measures...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 09, 2017 1133 views

How important is it to learn SQL while working in a job that requires Microsoft Office experience?

I am asking because I had applied and passed my Microsoft Certification tests and am two tests away from earning an MOS Master Certificate, and although I have passed the MOS Access Certification, I noticed that while making tables that one can code with SQL. So, I wonder how often one would...

Kelsi’s Avatar
Kelsi May 27, 2016 1378 views

Does the name of a college affect the influence behind the degree you may earn?

I understand that there are huge differences in Ivy League schools. However, if I am planning on attending a regular university, does the name of the university carry as much weight and does it affect my degree? #professor #graduate #academic-advising #college #college-selection

Kelsi’s Avatar
Kelsi May 27, 2016 1312 views

Would it be considered illogical to pursue a career in art while I attend college due to the fact that the world seems to be focused on technological and scientific advances as opposed to artistic abilities?

I absolutely love everything about art! It is perhaps one of my biggest passions. While I do want to pursue my dreams, I want to also be able to survive in the world.

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