Idyllwild-Pine Cove, California

Is tuition cheaper in Australian schools for citizens by descent?
I am an American citizen and live in America, but I have a certificate of citizenship by descent for Australia. I heard tuition was free for Australian citizens, but does it apply to me too? #financial-planning #education #college

What are the steps to become a General Pediatrician?
I have heard many different ways you can be just to become a doctor. However, I want to know what I have to do to actually get to where I want to be. I am a latino women and for me to become a doctor is a huge step for my family. I am not only doing this for my family but mostly for me. I want...

Can I still graduate in Four years even though my classes are not college level?
I was accepted into University of California San Diego but my classes are not college level and I feel like I won't be able to gradate in those four years. As a first generation college student I feel like all the pressure is on me and I have a feeling I am not ready for UC's. I want to become...

What are some of the best ways to aquire friends as soon as I get into colleg?
Many of my current friends do not want to go to the same schools as me. I do know I will have a room-mate however I would still like a friend that is around campus and not in my specific major or building. #Friends

What should I major in to become a pharmacist while I am an undergrade?
There aren't many schools in California that have pre-pharmacy as a possible major and I do not have the funds to go out of state. #Majors

Where are the best programs to get a DNP from?
I know I want to pursue a DNP, but I'm not sure what the best options are. #nursing #nurse #nurse-practitioner #doctor #medicine #med-school #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare

How important is it to have a MSN in the nursing field?
I am wondering whether to get a BSN or a MSN when I enter college. #nursing

Is there any really good scholarship websites that people are using that are trustworthy?
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