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Ismar’s Avatar
Ismar Jan 16, 2018 731 views

Do you need to get go to grad school?

I am going to college for engineering, and was wondering you need to go to grad school to get a job an engineer, or if the basic four years will suffice.

#engineering ##gradschool

Ismar’s Avatar
Ismar Jan 16, 2018 842 views

What if the College of your dreams accepts you, but the college you know you should go to does not?

I have been accepted into the school of my dreams which happens to be the best school for engineering in the country. However, it costs significantly more than my second-choice school -almost three times more- However, my second-choice school, which is the one that my family can afford, did not...

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Jan 16, 2018 940 views

Is it worth it to take out a student loan?

I want to make sure that taking out a loan is a good idea. If I don't get a job right out of college, it will be hard to pay back any student loans, and I'm not guaranteed a job out of college. Is it a good idea to take out a student loan, or should I try to find a less costly option of getting...

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Jan 16, 2018 927 views

How quickly do most people get jobs out of college?

When I graduate, I won't have much money left. I want to make sure I can get money as soon as I graduate. #money #jobs #career-counseling

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Jan 15, 2018 984 views

Best Scholarship Programs?

I am looking for scholarships right now and I am wondering what the best online resources are for finding great scholarship opportunities, preferably tailored more for my location and major. #scholarship #financial-aid #grant-writing

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Jan 15, 2018 780 views

Apps for Studying

I am majoring in Information Technology. I am wondering if there are any apps that are useful for delegating study time or for possibly saving notes for later, in order to better manage my time. #technology #onlineeducation

Dedreonna’s Avatar
Dedreonna Sep 29, 2017 771 views

If you are struggling to receive scholarships and you are low on money should you attend college?

I am Dedreonna and I am asking this question because my fear is not getting scholarships or many scholarships and being in a bad debt. Should I attend if I am unsure of money situations #money #finance #struggle

iruoghene’s Avatar
iruoghene Sep 01, 2017 785 views

can you focus on both software and hardware as a computer engineer?

I want to be a computer engineer, but based on my research I found out that computer engineering has two main category; software and hardware. I'm not sure which one is better for me. #computer-engineering

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Sep 01, 2017 739 views

How do I find scholarships for graduate schools?

I know there isn't many scholarships available for graduate schools, so I was wondering what's the best ones/how do I find them ? #dentistry #graduate-school

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Sep 01, 2017 712 views

If Im going to apply to art colleges, should I focus more on my art portfolio or taking and retaking my SAT and ACT?

#art #portfolio-management #sat

Jarrett’s Avatar
Jarrett Sep 01, 2017 1504 views

What are the basic differences between a Computer Science major and a Computer Programming major?

I am interested in majoring in something to do with Computers, whether that be engineering, programming, etc, and I would like to know the basic differences between such majors. #computers #computer-science

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 28, 2017 1075 views

When is it a good idea to repeat some courses you've taken?

I'm just curious about when it is a good idea to repeat courses you've taken but didn't do very well in. #college #engineering #career #graduate-school #electrical-engineering

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 24, 2017 2133 views

Is an internship viable even after graduation?

I'm an Engineer student and about to graduate. I am actively seeking jobs and kind of struggling to find a suitable job due to lack of work experience. However, internships seem to be attractive for me since most of them require little to no work experience. So I wonder if an internship is...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 24, 2017 1601 views

How should I negotiate the pay rate of a job?

I'm an Engineering student and I've been actively looking for jobs to apply for. I have found several attractive opportunities but I would like to have a higher pay for some to help with my finances without risking losing them. I wonder how I could do that. #engineering #career #job-search...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 16, 2017 1697 views

Is work experience more valuable than educational background?

I am a graduate Electrical Engineering student with little to no experience in the engineering field outside of the classroom. Lately, I have been applying to jobs and receiving little to no interest from engineering companies due to lack of experience even for some entry-level jobs. That made...

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