Lansdowne, Pennsylvania

Going out of flight school with a private helicopter pilot's license, what are some jobs in which I'd be eligible to still make a wage?
#aviation Originally, I had applied to the Coast Guard Academy to become a helicopter pilot and got hours that way, but recently was rejected. My backup plan is to go through a private pilot school and get my license that way. The issue I am running into is how to go about still gaining hours,...

Should I go to grad school?
Hi! I'm a sophomore Public Health major. I'm interested in epidemiology and biostatistics therefore, in the near future, I would like a career in that field. Would that job market require me to get a Master's degree? Or can I get a job without one? Is a Master's degree worth it? #graduate-school

I would like to know what the process is like, how is the work environment is in both fields, and if you had to go through the process again what would you have done differently? What career advice would you give me when entering the work force
I enjoy learning about space and physics. I am in the national guard as a uh-60 repair man an often around aircraft. #physics, #engineering, #college, #science, #career, #aerospace,#astrophysics

How to choose a college based on being an orthopedic pediatrician?
I am in high school. I am 16 and I know that this is something I love doing. I love taking care of children and helping them as well. #doctor #college #healthcare #nursing

What Are Good College's For Starting Early and Majoring in Veterinarian Medicines?
I'm a 12th grade student looking for affordable college, hoping to start early in majoring in my Veterinarian Medicines so I don't have to go a full 8 years and start early instead to get it done with. I'm finished high school in January so where do I start in order to get experience as well....

What are some colleges to look into that have a major in psychology?
#psychology #major #college #college-major

Is there a chance that you would fail in nursing program? If you do, can you retake the classes again?
I want to go to Rutgers to become a RN. I'm a senior in high school. I'm kind of nervous and stressed on what to do next. I want to get my bachelors degree. #nursing #registered-nurses #nurse #healthcare #medicine

how did you figure out what you wanted to do?
#undecided #major #job #career #work #college-major #jobs #job-search #careerpath #future
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