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Faith ’s Avatar
Faith Sep 01, 2017 1135 views

What are some college courses to consider for working abroad?

My dream is to travel the world, but I obviously need a good source of income in order to do that. Writing/editing has always interested me, and so a career doing something similar to that would be great. However, I'm very open to other ideas: I've heard #web-design and #transcriptionist have...

Mikaela’s Avatar
Mikaela Aug 31, 2017 451 views

What careers are possible for someone visually impaired?

I am legally blind and I don't know what to major in.

#legally blind

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 28, 2017 1073 views

When is it a good idea to repeat some courses you've taken?

I'm just curious about when it is a good idea to repeat courses you've taken but didn't do very well in. #college #engineering #career #graduate-school #electrical-engineering

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 24, 2017 2130 views

Is an internship viable even after graduation?

I'm an Engineer student and about to graduate. I am actively seeking jobs and kind of struggling to find a suitable job due to lack of work experience. However, internships seem to be attractive for me since most of them require little to no work experience. So I wonder if an internship is...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 24, 2017 1600 views

How should I negotiate the pay rate of a job?

I'm an Engineering student and I've been actively looking for jobs to apply for. I have found several attractive opportunities but I would like to have a higher pay for some to help with my finances without risking losing them. I wonder how I could do that. #engineering #career #job-search...

aakhash’s Avatar
aakhash Mar 20, 2017 1075 views

Is it better to live on Campus or get an appartment?

I'm looking at housing options and trying to decide where I would get more for my money. #college #money #college-bound #student-housing

aakhash’s Avatar
aakhash Mar 20, 2017 1071 views

What's the best way to approach clubs in college?

I'm a senior looking to decide how and what kind of clubs, I want to approach and join next year. #college #college-bound #extracurriculars #college-recruiting #student-clubs

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 16, 2017 1689 views

Is work experience more valuable than educational background?

I am a graduate Electrical Engineering student with little to no experience in the engineering field outside of the classroom. Lately, I have been applying to jobs and receiving little to no interest from engineering companies due to lack of experience even for some entry-level jobs. That made...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 08, 2017 1643 views

How important is including voluntary activities in one's resume?

I am an Electrical Engineering graduate student. I wonder if, in such a technical field as mine, adding voluntary activities such as working for X charity and the like can have any impact on the recruiter's decision to hire me. #mechanical-engineering #human-resources #civil-engineering...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 07, 2017 3092 views

How do you handle behavioral interview questions when not prepared?

Say you are in a job interview and you get asked a behavioral interview question such as "cite a situation when you had to adapt to changes beyond your control" or the like and you had no particular story present even though you might have had that exact situation happen to you. How would you...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 07, 2017 1391 views

What are some good tips for finding a job without experience?

I am a graduate student in Electrical Engineering and I will be graduating very soon. It has been hard for me to find a job by searching and applying for jobs online. I find that my application gets turned down often because I lack engineering work experience. Your tips on this matter will be...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 06, 2017 9158 views

How crucial is the choice of the thesis vs. non-thesis option in the Master's degree?

I am a graduate student in Electrical Engineering who opted for the non-thesis option in order to avoid the uncertainty of the time of graduation that is associated with the thesis option. However, I am also planning to pursue a PhD in the future and I have heard how not choosing the thesis...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 06, 2017 991 views

What is the best approach to take towards a poorly taught course?

I am a graduate Electrical Engineering student and throughout my career as a student I found that there were a few classes that provided less than satisfactory learning experience and I've always felt unsure about how to approach such classes. I feel that I tend to be uncertain about who to...

Robert’s Avatar
Robert Feb 27, 2017 1059 views

What skills should I focus on for an Automotive Engineering Career?

I have been recently looking at some videos and reading up about Mechanical Engineering, and I want to Find a college that can provide me with the skills I need for a career in Automotive Engineering, I'm just curious on what I need to do to Focus myself on my path. I truly love the idea of...

aakhash’s Avatar
aakhash Feb 14, 2017 2310 views

What are the benefits of studying abroad? Or going abroad for an internship?

Hi, I'm a senior who is about to go to college and want to know all the various opportunities out there to study in other locations and the pros and cons of doing so. #college #internships #money #college-bound #travel #international #study-abroad #traveling

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