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Kendall’s Avatar
Kendall Jun 08, 2021 497 views

Career resources

What are some good free resources to discover what career path you may want to pursue? #career-path #college #career-choice

Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Jun 08, 2021 525 views

What classes should I be taking to continue to search for my exact interest?

I like math, sports, and something with stats has always seemed cool but maybe even something with STEM would interest me. #stem #math #college

Ainsleigh’s Avatar
Ainsleigh Jun 08, 2021 499 views

How many science related classes should one take during highschool if you are interested in a STEM related carr\n

#STEM #highschool

Sheffield’s Avatar
Sheffield Jun 08, 2021 577 views

How can I prepare in high school for a career in environmental science and oceanography.

I would like to major in environmental science and a minor in oceanography. What courses should I take in high school to prepare myself for college? #environmental-science #oceanography

Kendall’s Avatar
Kendall Jun 08, 2021 541 views

Starting point

Where would be a good starting point for someone who doesn't know what they would like to pursue for a career or schooling? #college #career

Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Jun 08, 2021 941 views

What careers are there within mathematics?

I like math but have always struggled to figure out where exactly to go with it #math

Piper’s Avatar
Piper Jun 08, 2021 642 views

Will dancing help me earn enough money?

I know some dancers don't have steady jobs so I am wondering if they make enough off of those jobs to live. #dance

Sheffield’s Avatar
Sheffield Jun 08, 2021 547 views

How can I get involved in environmental science lab work as a high school student?

I'm very interested in environmental science and oceanography but I would like to find a place where I can get more hands on experience out in the field. I would love to assist a scientist with lab data but I don't know how to get involved. #environmental-science #research #oceanography

Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia Jun 08, 2021 972 views

What types of journalism is there?

#journalism #sports-management #sports #travel #broadcast-media

Piper’s Avatar
Piper Jun 08, 2021 343 views

How much experience should we need to look better for colleges?

I have a lot of experience in dance, I have a summer job, and have a lot of community service. #college

Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Jun 08, 2021 482 views

What math field would be the best to explore for me?

I enjoy math as a whole and have always thought about something with statistics. I also really enjoy sports so a combination of the 2 would be cool. #math #sports #college

Kendall’s Avatar
Kendall Jun 08, 2021 619 views

Annual Salary

Where are good resources to find the annual #salary for certain careers in Massachusetts? #financial-planning

Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia Jun 08, 2021 517 views

Do you have to take community classes for cosmetology and or esthetician?

#cosmetology #face #skin #esthetician

Piper’s Avatar
Piper Jun 08, 2021 424 views

Are managers more helpful in the dance world?

#dance I am wondering if getting a manager in the future will be better.

Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia Jun 08, 2021 914 views

What careers involve creative writing?

#creative-writing #writing #journalism #writer #author

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