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Perla’s Avatar
Perla Apr 07, 2014 1444 views

can i become a lawyer then become part of the CIA?

I want to be a lawyer, but then I want to become part of CIA. Investigate bigger problems. I got interested to become part of the CIA after watching the movie called ARGO. A summary of the movie is that the main character, Tony Mendez, is part of the CIA. A situation came across to rescue six...

Marvin’s Avatar
Marvin Apr 07, 2014 1752 views

Is a business in sustainable agriculture a good idea?

I've notice that organic food has become popular in the last couple of years and I thought that would be a great business idea. #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Apr 07, 2014 2557 views

How does a day look like for a computer programmer? Is it fun ?

Hi, Im a Junior in high school and I'm considering becoming a computer engineer. My dad is currently a computer programer, but he never goes into details of what he does with the computer. I would like to know how would it look like a regular day at work and how fun is it. #computer...

Pleilerkay’s Avatar
Pleilerkay Apr 07, 2014 2853 views

What is the daily life of a geneticist like? What are specifics about the job

What do genetisist do. What is most interesting part about it. #biology #chemistry #physics #genetics

Shi’s Avatar
Shi Apr 07, 2014 1552 views

If you go to college to learn about Pharmacy as a major is that the hardest major to get in?

The reason i'm asking this question because i want to be a pharmacist when i grow up. I want to know if this major going to be hard to get in this major. #college-major #pharmacists #steps #requirements

Alexia’s Avatar
Alexia Apr 07, 2014 67813 views

What should I major in if I want a career in nursing?

Hi, i'm asking because I would like to know what i'd have to major in so I can go to school to be able to have a career in nursing. #doctor #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #nursing-education

Ricardy’s Avatar
Ricardy Apr 07, 2014 1113 views

What qualifications does a diplomat need?

I know that diplomats get to travel a lot because they often need to discuss things with other countries. #social-science

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Apr 07, 2014 1347 views

What steps should I take in college to become an Astronomer after college?

I love Astronomy and Physics and Biology. I haven't decided on what I want to do yet in college, and I want to decide between these two areas. #physics #astronomy

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