Career questions tagged requirements

What are the requirements for being an electrician?
I was wondering what you need to be an electrician like what type of certificates do you need and how many months/years will it take to get on the field.

what are the working conditions in the automotive field?
Is there a lot of lifting.

When would be the best time to schedule or start What specific requirements are needed for this, how willl this help me further my career and why is there such an awesome format for all of this (how)?
When is it best to reach out for any other opportunities, how does this help in becoming much more adaptable and successful in managing these internships?

What is the core course requirements in community college for going into a sonography program ? What are some ways a high schooler can prepare for getting into sonography?
I have been looking into sonography and i want to be prepared once I get out of high school. I am not sure what I really need to be prepared with and what classes I should take before going into a sonography program.

Can I become a dog trainer without going through college or other schooling?
I don’t have much interest in school but I love dogs and the reward of training them. Just not sure how to get started.

How is being an engineer truly connected to the creation of the new world?
Tykwan, 19

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an engineer in todays world?
Tykwan, 19

How would you describe the training and day to day life of being in the navy?
Tykwan, 19

What top subjects are required for ultra soundtechs?
I'm a 11th grader and i would like to pick my next subjects base on whats needed on becoming an Ultra Soundtech.

What are the most beneficial courses required to become an Anesthesiologist Technician?
I'm very curious which courses are most vital to your success in the career of an Anesthesiologist Technician so, I could know which courses i need to dedicate most of my attention in.

Which sectors/companies in the business field ask for grades, which don't?
Im new to the village and I have been reading posts about companies like the Big 4 Firms. There is responses that when hiring, they value class grades specifically in accounting. I was wondering how much importance goes to grades, and if there is any changes in different companies or sectors. The reason I am asking is because I go to a great school Uc Berkeley, but unfortunately it is very difficult for me and my grades aren't top notch. I come from schools in low income areas that didn't prepare me well for tests. I was smart in my community but here I feel under-qualified competing against the best. Don't get me wrong I learned sooo much in my first year. I'm just worried my grades won't be good enough for a job in the future. Any proffesionals out there who have gotten good jobs with "low" GPA's? Is it true grades matter that much in Business?

Are there any accreditation or licensing requirements for becoming a Psychology?
#Psychology #Requirements

What are the Educational and training requirements for becoming a Psychologists?
#Psychology #Requirements

what courses would i need in order to become an exotic veterinarian?
I am a Senior student at William J. Brennan High school looking for information on becoming a veterinarian. I specifically want to pursue becoming an Exotic Animal Vet and wouldn't mind traveling at the beginning of my career to do so but i would like to know my chances and what i must do to accomplish this. #veterinary #veterinarian #veterinary-medicine #animals #animal-health #courses #requirements #classes #needs #successful

how difficult is it to pursue a DVM?
I am a Senior student at William J. Brennan High school looking for information on becoming a veterinarian. I specifically want to pursue becoming an Exotic Animal Vet and wouldn't mind traveling at the beginning of my career to do so but i would like to know my chances and what i must do to accomplish this. #veterinarian #veterinary #animals #veterinary-medicine #animal-health #exotic-animals #competition #competitive #opportunity #opportunities #job-outlook #requirements #necessities #medicine

What requirements do you need to have completed to be a paralegal?
#law #criminal-justice #paralegal #requirements

Will Ivy League colleges continue to function if their requirements keep getting tougher?
Many students get discouraged about applying to Ivy League colleges because of their steep requirements for applications... #requirements #IvyLeague

What requirements are needed for a Public Relations Specialist?
I am a sophomore, but I have already decided that I want to focus on Public Relations / Communications. What requirements are needed in high school or college classes for someone interested in Public Relations? #communications #public-relations #college-prep #career-path #requirements

Will these college classes work during admissions?
In my high school it is not required to take a foreign language class to graduate, so as I am ending my junior year I have never taken any. Unfortunately, most colleges I want to apply to require two years of a foreign language to apply. There is a dual credit program between my high school and a local community college. At the community college they have both a French 1 and French 2 course. The only issue is, they cram it in and each course is only a semester long. Will this work as the two-year requirement for admissions since it two levels of the language or am I out of luck? As a senior next year, is there anything I can do to get these two years? #college-admissions #requirements #foreign-languages

What are the requirements for a relay and substation tech job?
I’m interested in asking this because I’m going to college to earn a AA degree in this field. #requirements #engineering #electrical

Does a person stop taking required classes after their sophomore year in college?
I was wondering if college allows you to explore classes within your degree field or is it just required classes you need to take. #college #career-choice #classes #requirements #career-exploration

Where do chemical engineers work ?
Where can a chemical engineer work other than lab ? And what is the job description ? I want to know what are the criterias and the characteristics of a chemical engineer (personality, passions, style,.. ) to see if this agree with mine because I am studying chemical engineering but I don't see myself as a chemical engineer #chemical-engineering #personality #requirements

What a chemical engineer can work ?
What a chemical engineer can work other than lab ? And what is the job description ? I want to know what are the criterias and the characteristics of a chemical engineer (personality, passions, style,.. ) to see if this agree with mine because I am studying chemical engineering but I don't see myself as a chemical engineer #chemical-engineering #personality #requirements

If you go to college to learn about Pharmacy as a major is that the hardest major to get in?
The reason i'm asking this question because i want to be a pharmacist when i grow up. I want to know if this major going to be hard to get in this major. #college-major #pharmacists #steps #requirements

How to determine what career you should choose?
When determining what career to invest which should you focus more into the compensation of the job or the amount of hours you will have to fulfill? #career #compensation #requirements

What sorts of things would an art director over-look or be in charge of?
I considering jobs in the art world and I found that there is a job as an art-director and it looks interesting but it doesn't talk about the specifics in regards to what you would have to do. Or what sort of experience that you need. #career #jobs #art #experience #director #requirements #job-requirements #specifics