Marengo, Illinois

Do you need to go to college to be a singer?
What education do we need or, do we need any at all?

Do you need expensive and good equipment to make music?
I don't have any microphones or anything to start recording.

How long do I need to practice to see improvement?
I play guitar and when I get home I play for a hour and a couple of times during the day.

How do I become successful in earning money?
Some examples lead to watching videos, having a mentor or if family member or friend or relative you can ask for advice if they have a career in the business world.

Do You Guys Know Any Jobs Places That Are Hiring For People For Inventory?
The reason I'm asking that is because I'm really good at doing inventory a my jobsite and I was wondering if you guys know any job places that need hiring for inventory

How to answer the questions “tell me about yourself” in an interview ?
I have a two interviews tomorrow for a retail store and I’ve been preparing with practice questions to make sure I’m ready to answer any question asked. Though I’ve gotten a bit stomped at the questions “tell me about yourself”. I don’t want to sound super generic and talk about schoolwork, I...
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