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Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 10, 2016 971 views

How should I be writing my essays for when I apply for college?

I am a rising junior and I want to know what my writing should appear as I am writing those essays. I would like to know how my writing should come across to get colleges interested in admitting me. Therefore, I would like some advice for when I do start writing those essays....

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 09, 2016 853 views

What should I keep in mind as I am taking the newly designed SAT?

The SAT has changed now and I have to take the new version. I have only been familiar with the PSAT's from last year. I just want to know what I should keep in mind as I am taking the newly designed SAT for the first time. #help #advice #testing

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 09, 2016 1172 views

Any advice for an aspiring robotics programmer?

It is my aspiration to program robots and I was just looking for any career advice when reaching for this aspiration of mine. I have six universities in mind where I can work and study for the field of Robotics. I was just looking for any advice that I might need to know when I do plan on...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Sep 09, 2016 2634 views

What are good speech presentation tips?

I'm personally really bad at public speaking, is there any tips/tricks that you all have that can help me before and during a presentation ? #publicspeaking #tips

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 08, 2016 951 views

Have there been any constructed robots that can dance hip-hop?

I am a dancer at Visions Dance Studio for four years now and I have been studying hip-hop and I would love to coordinate some dance moves to a robot since I already show an interest in Robotics. It's already a goal of mine to construct my first robot and I was thinking of a dancing robot with...

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 08, 2016 1672 views

Would it be wise to take the SAT and ACT?

I am a rising junior at Kearny High School. I definitely know that I am taking the SAT in upcoming months, but I am not too sure if I should also take the ACT. I would like to know what makes up the ACT and if I should take it before the SAT or after the SAT. #college #college-advice #testing

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 08, 2016 825 views

If I plan to major in Robotics, what are some core courses I will have to take in college?

When I do attend college, I want to know of some core courses that I will most likely be taking for majoring in Robotics. I want to get an idea of what will be required of me to learn in the classroom while on college campus. #college-major #robotics #courses

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Sep 08, 2016 1219 views

How do I organize myself with keeping my grades up in my classes, studying for the PSAT's, and being in clubs?

I am a rising junior at Kearny High School. School is starting up and I am realizing that things are about to get chaotic for me since I know that I will take the PSAT's and then the SAT's these upcoming months. I am in three honors classes and one AP class; as well as in a few clubs and...

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