New Hope, Pennsylvania

How can you set yourself apart from other interns?
I hope to land a federal job after college. They offer limited intern positions, and permanent jobs are only offered to a couple of people. How can I prove I would be the best person for the job? #jobs #internship #competitive

What is the best way to break into a career?
More often than not I've found that most people land successful careers because of their social networking within a company. What tips can I use to introduce myself to a potential employer? Or, in other words, how can I gain contacts within the business industry? #business #career-advice

Is it hard for an introvert to become a well respected lawyer?
#lawyer #introverts

What career can you purse with a degree in business Managment ?
I am currently a High School senior and want to purse a career in business

What are the struggles that a double major must take on during their first year of college?
#college #advice #doublemajor #firstyear #freshmen #

What is a typical week for a computer programer? What are some important key points to look for in while applying for coleges to ensure a benefical education for computer science?
#college #advice #computerscience #computerprogrammer #research

Is it worth it to study abroad if you are going to have tough classes that semester?
I want to study abroad but I don't know if I would get a lot out of the experience if I was taking a heavy course load. I know a lot of people take a light course load the semester they are studying abroad. #StudyAbroad
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