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Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 21, 2016 711 views

Do you think cleanliness is associated with your business success?

super random question. It just seems like bosses try really hard to be clean in their workspaces and environments

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 21, 2016 1391 views

What is a great way to stand out above all other applicants?

During jobs, school searches, I guess class could count to. What is the best way in making a great first impression to the people that you meet? #school #job #social

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 20, 2016 1544 views

How "easy" is a minimum wage job ?

Many people put emphasis in how easy a minimum wage job in industries like; fast food, or retail is easy. How "easy" is it compared to "real-world" jobs, and what are the differences and similarities between the jobs? #career #jobs #minimum

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 20, 2016 1502 views

Would employers rather see internships/jobs or volunteer work?

Just wondering what is weight more as a prospective employer looks at your resume #career #resume #employer

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 18, 2016 3430 views

What is more important? Your GPA or your experience?

When prospective employeers look at your resume, Which qualification has a greater chance in the employee getting a job ?
#college #career #jobs #resume #gpa

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 18, 2016 1024 views

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle while also working a lot ?

Even as a college student I struggle with this already. Between classes and studying it's hard to make time for the gym and eating healthy when you want to get back to your next job asap. #college #lifestyle #multitasking

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 17, 2016 1241 views

If you transfer your sophomore year in college how long will it take to accumulate a bachelor's degree?

Thinking about transferring to a school that is more focused on my career path #college #career #school #goal

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Tiffanie Jul 17, 2016 1129 views

Do you get used to corporate jobs?

Handling your employeers, paperwork.. As a student looking on to my bosses and employees, it seems as if they are usually stressed and constantly busy. #work #corporate #responsibility

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