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shaila’s Avatar
shaila Sep 13, 2023 1061 views

What would be a good college to look into if you want to become a researcher in the biology field? What would be a good college if you are looking to become a physician's assistant?

I'm tied between becoming a researcher or a physician's assistant. Both sound interesting and can be in the biology category. I do better with a team and i know both are/can be working with other people.

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Sep 07, 2023 467 views

Film Production Degree and what to do afterward

What should be my next step after graduating with my master's in film production. How should I approach, and why should this be my next step and why should I do it that way? Where should I start these processes? I want to set a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, 6 month...

roxann’s Avatar
roxann Sep 05, 2023 537 views

should i be looking for a job right now?

i'm 15 and in 10th grade and i'm unsure if i should get a job. i want money for myself to spend , but i don't want to have a lot of stress on me with school and a job.

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Sep 05, 2023 805 views

How do I find the perfect job/college for myself when there is a lot of them out there in the world ?

I am an 9th grader in highschool school and this year I can finally get a job and I'm starting to look for colleges too and I need major help finding some that are perfect for myself

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Aug 26, 2023 529 views

How do I know when I should get a job? Should I wait until after I graduate or should I try to get one now?

I am a senior in high school with limited transportation so job availability is very limited for me..

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Aug 14, 2023 420 views

What are benefits of being in an automotive career?

I want to know why people enjoy their career and what their job does for their future

SSStudious’s Avatar
SSStudious Aug 08, 2023 782 views

How can I best prepare for an AP class before school starts?

I want to set myself up for success.

freya’s Avatar
freya Aug 05, 2023 1393 views

What is out-of-state college life like?

I start college soon but I am not sure if I want to go out of state

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