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Ruqayyah’s Avatar
Ruqayyah Jan 19, 2018 624 views

I want to be a successful creative director what is the education path I should take to achieve my goal ?

I am asking this question so I can have a plan and can be prepared for the next move after High School. #creativty #college-major

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie Jan 18, 2018 568 views

How can I organize a move to a third world country safely?

When I graduate college, I would like to spend some time teaching math in South or Central America to the local people. I am wondering how I could make that happen while also considering my safety.
#travel #missionwork #teaching #math #latinamerica

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie Jan 18, 2018 654 views

If I become a teacher is it responsible to move from state to state?

I know a lot of states offer pensions to teachers. I would like to experience life in many states but I am curious about how long I need to stay in a single state in order to accumulate a pension.

#pension #mathteacher #highschoolteacher #traveling

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Jan 17, 2018 768 views

How important is grad school?

I want to know if grad school is necessary. #college #graduate-school #career-counseling

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Jan 17, 2018 721 views

What can I do in the future with my degree?

I want to know what I can do in the future with a sports management degree. #college-major #sports #sports-management #what-school-is-the-best-for-my-batlors-and-grant

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Jan 17, 2018 1113 views

What SAT score do you need to have to get into nursing programs

I'm really into nursing
#nursing #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #college #college-admissions #sat

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Jan 17, 2018 996 views

What gpa do you need to have to get into a nursing program

I'm thinking about majoring in nursing
#nursing-schools #nursing #higher-education

Zair’s Avatar
Zair Jan 16, 2018 585 views

What classes should I have in college for me to have a higher chance to be excepted into law enforcement and to have a better pay grade

I’m asking because I want to have the best chance for my dream job to succeed and the best pay check I can receive.

Zair’s Avatar
Zair Jan 16, 2018 736 views

What’s the steps of becoming homocide detective

My dream has always to be a homocide detective I was introduced in law inforcement by my grandfather and I got into it. Now I I don’t know where to start to make this a reality.

Jordan Michael’s Avatar
Jordan Michael Jan 16, 2018 906 views

Is it a good idea to change college for junior and senior year?

I have an opportunity to work in my field if I am willing to transfer to another school 5 hours away from where I am now.

#political-science #college #college-transfer #transfer

Jordan Michael’s Avatar
Jordan Michael Jan 16, 2018 1380 views

I am a Political Science Major and considering a second major next year, Do you think Communications is a good choice?

I am asking because I think that Communications goes hand in hand with Political Science.
#political-science #communications #college #college-major

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 16, 2018 802 views

What type of employment can I obtain with a B.S. in #wildlife conservation/environmental science#?

#Environmental science# and wildlife conservation are what I will major in while in college. #environmental-science #biology #ecology #wildlife-conservation

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 16, 2018 648 views

How can I gain experience in wildlife conservation?

I want to major in #wildlife conservation# in college. #wildlife-conservation #zoology #biology

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Jan 16, 2018 967 views

Which is the best school to choose for a career as an aerospace engineer?

I am very interested in a career as an aerospace engineer. I have visited 3 schools in the mid Atlantic area that have a good reputation in engineering. When I ask each one which makes your school standout over the other ones I got pretty vague answers. I have been told to ask questions to...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jan 16, 2018 795 views

What biology- related careers exist?

I'm interested in biology, and would ideally like a job that encompasses this interest. I also plan to horseback ride competitively after college, and need relatively flexible hours to do so. Are there any biology- related professions that will give me the flexibility and salary to continue my...

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