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Salvador’s Avatar
Salvador Oct 19, 2016 1130 views

What does it take to become a Hardware Engineer at Intel?

I want to know what it takes to become a Computer Engineer at Intel because I really
like tinkering with computers and I have always loved building things so why not design
#computer-science #computer-software #computer-hardware

Salvador’s Avatar
Salvador Oct 19, 2016 2596 views

What degree is recommended for computer hardware design?

I read an old reddit AMA on it a couple months ago about a hardware engineer at
Intel and somebody brought up what they would need to receive his position. However,
he didn't give a straight answer so I would like to know what I have to do to be hired
into that job.

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Oct 19, 2016 1024 views

How do engineers ensure that members of a team all do their fair share?

In school, working in groups is often a challenge because some people end up doing a lot more work than others. Is it like this for engineers as well? How are issues like these resolved? #engineering

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Oct 19, 2016 616 views

To what extent do you work with others?

I believe engineering is a discipline where teamwork is an essential part of getting the job done, but it also requires each person to be able to pull his own load well.

Salvador’s Avatar
Salvador Oct 19, 2016 1606 views

What degree is recommended for designing hardware?

I read an old reddit AMA on it a couple months ago about a hardware engineer at Intel and somebody brought up what they would need to receive his position. However, he didn't give a straight answer so I would like to know what I have to do to be hired into that job. #computer-science...

Salvador’s Avatar
Salvador Oct 19, 2016 2795 views

What does it take to become a Hardware Engineer at Intel?

I want to know what it takes to become a Computer Engineer at Intel because I really like tinkering with computers and I have always loved building things so why not design them? #computer #tech #computer-hardware

Joana’s Avatar
Joana Oct 14, 2016 2037 views

What can I do for liberal arts?

I am in college right now and I have no idea what I want to do, I heard this major they offer called liberal arts, it sounds interesting but I have no idea what careers are out there for liberal arts.
#art #english #arts #studies #liberal

KC’s Avatar
KC Oct 12, 2016 1036 views

Can I be a police?

So I'm thinking about being a police, but I have asthma. What are the requirements to be a certified police? I am worried that my asthma would get on my way. I deeply love risking lives, doing challenging things, investigating a crime, searching for a lead, etc. I'm a woman, I have asthma and...

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