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Ramon’s Avatar
Ramon Jan 18, 2018 533 views

How am I able to see and sign up for scholarships in my area?

I am in high school thinking about my future and the first thing that came to mind was expenses. In order to get into college for free I need scholarships and I don’t know how to find them, or sign up for them either.
#pleasehelp #newbie

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jan 16, 2018 592 views

What's the best place to get a scholarship?

In #biology or just #scholarships in general

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jan 16, 2018 1275 views

What's the best experience a future zoologist/wildlife biologist can get?

I'm getting a degree in #biology with a focus on #zoology #wildlife

Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Jan 16, 2018 640 views

What is a day like for an Emergency Management Professional?

I will be going for a Masters in Emergency Management after I attain my Bachelors in Public Adminstration from UCF with a minor in emergency management. After getting my Bachelors I want to spend a year of service with FEMACorp to make sure this is a field I could love. If I had a better idea...

Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Jan 16, 2018 489 views

I'm eligible for merit scholarships in every category but SAT scores. My highest score is 1260, which isn't bad, but its not enough for most scholarships. Any tips on finding other scholarships?

My SAT scores are the only low point in my college resume. Otherwise, I graduate high school with a full AA degree from dual enrollment, 3 varsity sports for 4 years (captain for 2), member of National Honor Society, 16/691 rank with straight A's, as well as holding 2 jobs, an internship, and...

jordan’s Avatar
jordan Sep 28, 2017 742 views

What major or course of study should I follow to become a diplomat?

I want to be diplomat. I am a current high school sophomore and I would like to know what classes I should take to better prepare myself now in high school for that track? In addition, what course of study I should follow in college to prepare myself for that career track? #politics...

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Sep 01, 2017 709 views

How do you gain enough money in scholarhips to go to any college or University of your choosing with billions of people competing for that same money with the same drive and necessity as you?

College is pitched as a necessity but priced as a privilege. With great grades, an incredible amount of determination, and as much prayer you can fathom, many students still don't get to experience college because hey simply cant afford it. Loans, and grants must first be approved and even when...

Octashia’s Avatar
Octashia Sep 01, 2017 619 views

Will you get a better job attending an Ivy League school for Law Because of the school name itself verses attending a cheaper Law school?

Im asking because I'm going to get my bachelors degree as a paralegal so I wanted to know if getting in debt at an Ivy League school worth the sacrifice? Or if I go to a cheaper school would the same law firm want me? Or would the quality of my education be looked at the as the same value as an...

Katelyn’s Avatar
Katelyn Sep 01, 2017 1129 views

What is the best way to get connections in the event management industry?

I am a freshman in college and am majoring in event management. I want to have a successful job one day planning events. I think part of being successful is having the right connections. How would a student begin to make those connections? #event-management #event-planning #hospitality-industry

Anika’s Avatar
Anika Sep 01, 2017 755 views

What is it like going to med school?

More specifically, I want to know how big classes are in general, and what other people pursuing the same career path are like. Is there tension? Competition? What are the professors like? What happens after you get your bachelor degree and get accepted into med school? Is it like regular...

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Sep 01, 2017 696 views

What are good resources for finding field-related internships?

I would like to volunteer or intern in a position that is related to my intended major. Are there any good resources for finding positions like this suitable for high school seniors?

#senioryear #internships

jeremy’s Avatar
jeremy Sep 01, 2017 554 views

what is the best collage to learn film or theatre arts

I want to be a film maker #college

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Sep 01, 2017 905 views

Would nursing be a good career to go in to if I want to be around people?

I love talking to people and don't want to sit at a desk for my job. #pediatric-nursing #career-counseling #career-choice #nursing #medicine

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Aug 31, 2017 695 views

is there any key to better understanding chemistry?

I just struggle with the topic
#chemistry #learning #learning-and-development

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Jul 29, 2017 1825 views

What type of resume do you provide for a social impact corporation?

It is hard enough just trying to make a resume to fit into the corporate world, but to make a resume that is specifically aimed at social impact, like human trafficking, there must be some way to get across how passionate you are about dealing with such matters. #corporate-social-responsibility...

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