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Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Jul 29, 2017 901 views

What are some of the qualities, besides being a person who cares and wants to help others, do you need to have to get a job with the Peace Corps or AmeriCorps?

I think the question is self explanatory. #corporate-social-responsibility #human-resources #career-details

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Jul 29, 2017 1086 views

If you received multiple misdemeanors in various states which all were determined dismissed, will the government hire you?

I have a friend who got misdemeanors and an injunction in two different states, everything turned out to be dismissed or basically denied because nothing actually happened. They do show up in the court systems though. My friend wants to get a job with the government and has the skill set for...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Jul 29, 2017 1118 views

If you received a misdemeanor in a state years ago, does that affect one from obtaining a job?

I received a misdemeanor years ago, yet am still looking for a position. It wasn't theft or anything, just mischief. Will a hiring manager consider this when deciding on hiring me or can they see it was for what it was a mistake and funny when discussed. #hiring #recruiting #human-resources

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Jul 29, 2017 1293 views

How do you you sell yourself on a resume if it looks a bit jumpy?

I spent my twenties sort of jumping from job to job, the longest being 2 1/2 years. My final position was a farce because the amount of money I was supposed to make was a lie and the people who made the job agreement were "let go." Anyhow, I decided to take a little break and ended up moving...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Jul 29, 2017 968 views

What is the best way to present yourself in a resume if you have a mentaI diagnosis which previously inhibited your loyalty to a company and you jumped from job to job?

I had a very difficult time staying at one job because I could not focus on my work and actually needed to multiple things at one time to keep myself in check. I was a great multi-tasker, but the job would soon bore me and I would not be able to do it without feeling severe anxiety. I only...

charles’s Avatar
charles Apr 19, 2017 1059 views

If you hold a DMD can you become a dental hygienist?

Im a senior in high school and was interested in the dental field. Im aware to become a general dentist it takes about 8 years minimum as to become a dental hygienist it takes 2 years minimum. I had planned on getting my DMD degree at a university in Nevada, US in a matter of 4 years. Is it...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Mar 31, 2017 1742 views

What are the key words employers look forward on a persons resume?

I am applying to positions, but have had recruiters make comments to my resume as not being as a highlight to employers, mostly I present myself as a doer and not an achiever. I just want to know what are some things I can do to improve my chances at obtaining a job, I mean I haven't even...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Mar 31, 2017 1016 views

I am taking free courses that lead to certification with FEMA, will this be beneficial for government position?

I just received my Master's in Criminal Justice in Homeland Security and am now taking some online courses with FEMA and may start on some courses regarding statistics and the Design of Experiments. Would these be beneficial topics to get with to obtain a way into the government?...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Mar 03, 2017 1069 views

How can I transition a previous career in the Legal field to my new degree and Homeland Security?

I believe I have a lot of skills that I believe can be transferrable, but I am not sure how to make the transition. #recruiting #legal #homeland-security #personal-development #career-details

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Mar 03, 2017 1407 views

What are some key words that really stick out to employers?

I am working on my new resume and I want to try to get the attention of the employer so I am not passed because my resume is ordinary. #criminal-justice #recruiting #hiring #homeland-security #job-application

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Feb 22, 2017 1430 views

What do you do, when you don't know what to do with the rest of your life?

How do you know when you are 18 and starting to think about your major what you really want to do with the rest of your life? What if you are unsure? Did they talk to you about careers in high school? Mine didn't. It was accelerated, average, and vocational, oh wait and farmers. Maybe I...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Feb 22, 2017 1014 views

Why do some universities push you towards a career where you have no experience?

My professors are great, but I am finding that now that I am in the work force that I do not have the proper background for the position. How can they guide you you one way because you do feel passion for it, but didn't know you will never be a complete success. You owe money and you need to...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Feb 22, 2017 1011 views

Did your university assist you in your collegiate career?

I never saw a single person about my future and the avenues i could travel when I was getting my bachelors degree. I was not spoken to a single bit except for responses to professors. They had their great jobs, but what was mine? Why didn't I receive any guidance at a very influential time...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Feb 22, 2017 1124 views

My mother says I synthesize material very well. How can I benefit from this awkward positivity?

I think the question says it all. I can take a number of random things and start interconnecting them to one another and adding additional information because its just how my mind works. There are so many ways to about solving a problem. #research #reading #recruitment #enrichment

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Feb 22, 2017 1260 views

What sorts of words stand out to you when evaluating a resume.

I decided to use the word innovative because I can be given a lot of material and make connections. I love research, there are so many avenues. #research #criminal-justice #human-resources #recruiting #cyber-crime #job-application

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