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Stratham, New Hampshire

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Anaidys ’s Avatar
Anaidys Apr 08, 2014 1224 views

What is the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist in terms of what they are able to do in their field and the degrees they need to earn before they can practice?

I'm a junior in high school genuinely interested in the study of the mind and helping people, specifically children. I just can't really wrap my mind around what's the difference between these two titles. #psychology #psychiatry #children

Mayelin’s Avatar
Mayelin Apr 08, 2014 1735 views

What are the job placement rates for biomedical engineers and pediatricians?

I am looking at both for potential career paths! #medicine #jobs #pediatrician

Mayelin’s Avatar
Mayelin Apr 08, 2014 1270 views

What are some of the things that biomedical engineers do to help others?

I like the sciences and I like helping others but I don't know what to major in! #science

Marinda’s Avatar
Marinda Apr 08, 2014 994 views

After I finish my schooling will it be easy to find a job in the engineering/researching industry?

i want to get a job in engineering when i get older #engineering

Sheniel’s Avatar
Sheniel Apr 08, 2014 2896 views

What is the most competitive major in business school and with the major what types of jobs can you get?

I was wondering about business majors and how it works in college. Also how will it help me in the future. #business

Mayelin’s Avatar
Mayelin Apr 08, 2014 1401 views

What type of career options do you have when you major in Biology?

I enjoy the sciences but I do not know what I want major in when in I'm in college. #biology #career-path #the-future

Paige’s Avatar
Paige Apr 08, 2014 1254 views

how do you choose a major and when you do pick a major does that mean you can't take classes that you generally have a interest in?

I'm a junior in high school and i'm interested in a lot of history, science, and language courses. I don't know how to limit my choices and focus just on one. #majors #classes

Marinda’s Avatar
Marinda Apr 08, 2014 1406 views

how many degrees should i get to be an engineer/ researcher

I want to be an engineer when i get older and I'm not sure what degrees i should get #engineering #college-student #researcher

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