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Shardae’s Avatar
Shardae Feb 14, 2017 1970 views

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses? How would you describe yourself? How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you? What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?Why should I hire you?

i want to know #user-experience

Shardae’s Avatar
Shardae Feb 14, 2017 1006 views

What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

future refrence #career-planning

Shardae’s Avatar
Shardae Feb 14, 2017 5322 views

What specific goals, other than those related to your occupation, have you established for yourself for the next 10 years?

future refrence #career-goals

Shardae’s Avatar
Shardae Feb 14, 2017 943 views

What are your long range and short range goals and objectives, when and why did you establish these goals and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?

Because some teenagers don't know what they are trying to reach or accomplish. #anyone

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Feb 07, 2017 1637 views

What is the best YouTube camera?

YouTube is a great way that I have seen many people network and get great career opportunities. #blogging #youtube #social-media #networking

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Feb 07, 2017 1049 views

What's the best way to study for the SAT/ACT?

Finding the right way to study is vital for the best success. #teacher #school-counseling #tutoring

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Jan 30, 2017 1428 views

How do I start in a career?

Hello, I am a recent graduate and I have various skills in design, media, research, and web. Despite this, I am a beginner within all of these fields and I can't tell which career I should enter into or how. A lot of these jobs require a lot of experience. While I am very good and a hardworker,...

Zainab’s Avatar
Zainab Jan 07, 2017 1165 views

Why should I consider Graphic Design?

A question I had before majoring in Graphic Design. I am sure alot of highschool or college students interested in GD will be asking a similar question to this.
#graphic-design #illustrator #photoshop #indesign

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