Wylie, Texas

What kind of loans are best to search for?
When applying for loans to finance college, which types of loans are best to apply for? Will there be more competition for the subsidized loans? #student-loans

Did you have a personal reason as to why you chose this as a career path and did you achieve it?
I am interested in psychology and/or sociology because human behavior has a lot to do with the way we interact with one another and I feel if I can attain more information as to why we react to the things we are faced with, I can help people in all different types of situations. I also know...

Is having a major and a minor that are on different sides of the spectrum even possible/attainable?
I am a GED graduate but attended some college classes during my high school years and I am interested in a field pertaining to the human behaviors such as psychology or sociology but I also have several years experience in Sales and looking to continue in Business to expand my network base and...

Is It Doable to work full time and go go school full time
I was wanting to hear peoples experience working full time and going to college full time because I will probably be in that situation #college #money-management #working

What are some things I should know about living on campus?
I have almost all of my stuff for my dorm, but is living in a dorm going to be hard adjusting to? What are some things I should expect while living on campus? Is it easy to make friends with people who live in the same hall as you? #college #college-bound #college-student #college-life...

Is it smart to minor in Health Science as a Nursing major?
I was wondering if my plan sounds good. My plan is to get a BSN, and become a nurse. If I need to make a career change later on, I will be able to teach health science classes (because of my minor) such as health science, rehabilitation, diagnostic medicine, etc. I have been told that my plan...

Can you change classes in college if you dont like your major?
I recently attempted to learn calculus in high school and was failing miserably and my counselor was unable to let me change it until the grading period was over even though the year just started. #teacher #counselor

Can you get through school faster by taking summer classes?
I like having a break between years but in the med field your going to be in college for 6 six years minimum. I want to cut down on the time any way I can. #therapy #physical
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