4 answers
4 answers
Karen’s Answer
I observed how my father seemed to enjoy his job as a business manager so I entered the corporate world as a secretary. After two years I then applied for a position as a Travel Coordinator eventually becoming the Travel Director. While I loved all of my jobs, I decided after many years to manage a nonprofit organization because I wanted to give back. After retiring, I am now able to spend my time volunteering at a number of various organizations, doing things I've never done before.
With every good wish and many blessings,
With every good wish and many blessings,
Constanza’s Answer
Hola Alyssa, soy Nutricionista hace 8 años. Trabajo en forma independiente pero he trabajado en hospitales y otros lugares .Desde pequeña me gustó la salud y ayudar a las personas. En primera instancia busque las universidades dónde se brindan la carrera, luego investigue sobre el plan de estudio . También investigue todas las posibles salidas laborales y ámbitos dónde podía trabajar en el futuro. Por todo ello me decidí a esta carrera y estoy muy feliz 😀.
Espero que te sirva de ayuda.
Espero que te sirva de ayuda.
Wilson’s Answer
I needed better equipment for my band but couldn't afford it so the bassist got me on his crew as an electrician, then I kept it up because it lets me travel all over the place and get paid.
Carlos’s Answer
I made a licensed attorney who didn't litigate in other words he didn't spend much time going to court and arguing cases for his clients. He worked doing consulting work. It was then I realized as a 12th grader in high school that being an attorney and having a career as an attorney is broad. The degree is flexible so there are a lot of jobs in the market which only require you to have a JD like consulting or some types of tax work.