4 answers
Phillip’s Answer
YouTube is a GREAT resource to learn about any subject with real world examples.
Here is a link to a list of structured coding programs available online: https://learntocodewith.me/posts/code-for-free/
Phillip recommends the following next steps:
Bonnie’s Answer
I recommend Udacity’s online program because I earned an Introduction to Programming Nanodegree there and had no prior experience. I coded an app! One huge benefit is the social networking. There were people in my cohort from all over the world with varying levels of experience.
Bonnie recommends the following next steps:
Anil’s Answer
Also for a full "bootcamp" style lecture, check out this Udemy class. You can usually get a whole lesson online for $13 or so on sale.
Rajesh’s Answer
Good to see your interest in Computer Programming.
I assure you already know about all the sites like Udemy, Coursera, YouTube, etc. that offer variety of computer programming courses depending upon your interest in programming languages. The field is very cast, and touches upon various aspects in platform (Microsoft, Apple, Linux, Cloud AWS/Azure/Google/..., SFDC, Web Development, Mobile development, Scripting/Automation, etc. etc.)
I highly recommend you pick up your are of interest first and then proceed.
It is also a good to invert in some good basic books. Base don my experience, O'rielly hassle very good books to get you started.
Good luck with you career aspirations, it is a great field to be in.
Rajesh recommends the following next steps: