Hai. My sister has done her Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engg. Later she joined For a Job in many concerns. To Do UN What is Best Degree to choose
Hai. My sister has done her Diploma in ECE.. Later she joined For a Job and worked in many concerns. At present she works in Education related company as a trainer. She wants to do UG course in part time for her Higher posting. What Degree to Choose. BA Literature or BSC. Pls help to choose. #teaching #teacher #professor #educator #counseling #mentoring #counselling
2 answers
Anurag’s Answer
Firstly, congratulations on raising the query and helping build perspectives for your sister. The world becomes a better place with shared perspectives. I won't recommend an option but instead try and describe a step by step process that if followed would help anyone to find a path forward.
1) Make a list of topics that excite you. ( what I am suggesting is for your sister to write down a list of professions - eg doctor, engineering, teaching, finance, analyst, retail, business, healthcare, sales, operations, marketing, HR etc ) - the broader you keep this list the better it is. (note - ask your sister to think of companies she has worked in and thing about the various department that existed in those companies and if given a choice what she would have liked to do).
2) Stack rank the list in order of preferences.. it is OK use multiple vectors to do this ranking like potential salary, number of jobs in the market, growth potential of the industry but above all your liking - what you are really passionate about.. Try and rank and re-rank these as many times as you can over 4-7 days. You will find the ranking change. This is a great exercise to come to a short list.
3) Next make a list of things you wont want to do....( it is important to do this because many times people chase money and follow trend and then years later find they work in a discipline they have no passion for). See if any on this list exist in your ranking list and remove them....
4) Define free time - what this means is - think about the amount of time you can spare from your current day to day activities or job to pursue education. A lot of time people jump into part time courses but then struggle to find time to keep up. Be really honest and practical. Come up with initial "free" weekly hours that you think you can dedicate to education. Take this number and discount it by 30% ( aka reduce the hours). From my personal experience of having pursued a part time MBA from IIT Delhi - I found that in practice I was only able to spare 50% of time I originally thought I could.
6) Depending on the what you find in step 2/3.. pick the top-5
7) Take the top-5 professional list and find out what qualifications are required to work in that profession ( qualifications, certifications and experience). and if possible costs of getting that degree or certification.
8) Pathways - in part time education world these days you have three routes - online, classroom ( campus delivered) and hybrid. Again depending on where you live what you choose to pursue you make a choice. A good example for me when looking for MBA institutes - I was based on Delhi and had an offer to do a hybrid executives course from IIM - Lucknow or do online from a UC college. I chose to follow classroom option from IIT).
9) Route to qualifications - End to end course vs step by step uplift : what this means is - you could enroll say for a full degree like bachelor of teaching which takes 4 years and you stay in the program for that period. Many institutes these days offer pathways where you plan a future end degree but do short flexible certifications along the way. The advantage with option -2, I find is, the potential opportunity after doing some initial certifications you may be able to switch into new profession along the way and sort of compliment education with working in that industry/role.
10) Please act and execute. Most people think, talk , plan but never act. I urge that in some ways step-10 is the most important...if you don't execute the first 9 are useless.
I hope this helps..
suraj’s Answer
Electronic communications engineers conceptualize, design, test and oversee the manufacturing of communications and broadcast systems. They mainly work to integrate electronics and communications into any system they develop. These professionals might work for commercial, industrial, military or scientific companies. Examples of potential job titles include design engineer, electronics engineer and electrical design engineer.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2013, there were 135,350 electronics engineers in the nation (www.bls.gov). These engineers earned a median annual salary of $94,250.