Career questions tagged counselling

what is the best carerr counselling place?
counselling tips in carreer

How to be a Psychologist ?
I am a third year student. My hobbies are yoga meditation, out door activities such as hiking. I also love practicing journaling and grounding.

What should I do now i dont wanna go to school anymore buh my parents keep insisting so what now ? tell me your honest opinion thanks?
JUST NEED to prove to my parents that school aint worth it ive pitched some ideas to my parents they dont listen

I am in middle school, and I want to be a lawyer when I grow up. What could I do to support that, or help me in the future?
I am in middle school. I don't know what to do.

After completing my Law graduation, What are my future career options with high potential yields ?
I recently got my graduation degree from my college on completing 5 Year Law course and I am currently pursuing Law Masters Degree with Business Law as my specialization. I have numerous internship experiences including District court, High court, and Canara HSBC Headquarters Gurgaon. I have chosen to go to the corporate sector as I don't have any interest in litigation. I would like to know what future career should I go for in details and why such a path is best for me, all I want is a career path with potential high yield income. #law #career-paths #law-enforcement #help #advice #career #guidance #counselling

How many years of college do I need to partake in to successfully become a Social Worker?
I'm looking to be a social worker for teens who have struggled with past/present issues. Such as abuse, abandonment, mental illnesses, or even suicidal thoughts. I would like to know how many years of schooling after high school I should take to be successful in obtaining this job #social-worker #teens #counselling

When should I start applying to colleges?
#psycology #counselling

Through how many years of Collage/ University does one take to have a doctor degree in psychologist?
#counselling #college-admissions

What's the right job for a future counsellor-wannabe?
I will provide some details of my current situation so I can actually hope for some similarly detailed advice/answers. I completed my undergrad in psychology. After undergrad, I wanted to go into grad school for psychology. But my grades and etc. were not good enough. So I went into a master's program in education as a plan B. I recently finished this master's program. But recently I have made up my mind and decided to pursue a career path into counselling (psychotherapy). However, I hadn't really thought of going into counselling (psychotherapy) before, so I do not have any relevant experience or related degree. I have recently started volunteering in a youth mentorship program and also a hospice program, hoping to gain some relevant experience. I chose those two programs for a strategical reason, of course. But I really wanted to explore those fields and provide emotional support to vulnerable people who are in tough situations (youth at risk and people who are dying). I personally believe volunteering for those two programs is a solid counselling-related experience. (You can disagree and give me some better options if you would like to.) I hope these experiences will help me get into counselling programs I want to start in September 2019. But I also want to gain some professional experience before I start school again in 2019 because as a volunteer you only get 3-4 hours a week and I just have too much time laying around. Ideally, I would like to gain some counselling-related professional experience. However, because I do not have any related experience or degrees at the moment, I can't really gain professional experience directly related to counselling. So my aim right now is to find a position WITHIN the context of the counselling field but not really involving direct counselling. Money is not really a concern of mine at the moment. My parents can temporarily support me just until I go to grad school for counselling. I just want to spend some time working in the field, getting the taste to see whether or not I would like it and also to use it as an experience for my application. I originally wanted to use my M.Ed. to find some jobs related to counselling. But so far all the positions I could find were not really related to counselling as in psychotherapy but more so in career counselling or guidance counselling, which is not I want to pursue. Could anybody suggest me some fields or positions that I could realistically aim for at the moment for some professional experience related to counselling (psychotherapy)? #counselling #psychotherapy #psychology

Career option apart from Doctors and Engineers?
Hello I am Abinesh. I am very much board of selecting Doctor and Engineer. can u help me with any other career options apart from Doctor and Engineer to Pursue which fits to an average Student. #teaching #professor #education #educator #counseling #counselling

Hai. My sister has done her Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engg. Later she joined For a Job in many concerns. To Do UN What is Best Degree to choose
Hai. My sister has done her Diploma in ECE.. Later she joined For a Job and worked in many concerns. At present she works in Education related company as a trainer. She wants to do UG course in part time for her Higher posting. What Degree to Choose. BA Literature or BSC. Pls help to choose. #teaching #teacher #professor #educator #counseling #mentoring #counselling

What type of education do I need to become a counsellor?
Do I need a degree in psychology? Social work? What type of degree do I need for a career in counselling? #psychology #social-work #counselor #counseling #counselling #social-worker

Can a graduate pursue Law degree also?
My brother has completed his graduation as an engineer. But he is not getting any job in his field. So can He pursue Law degree now? #engineering #engineer #lawyer #counselling #lawyers #it-lawyer

I want to be an IAS officer. Which subject should I take after 10th?
Hi I am class 10 student, my ambition is to become IAS officer. #police #counselling #police-academy #police-field-training

Switching over from Engineer to Police is it easy
Hi,i am vijayakumar. Completing Engineer and switching over police is it possible. Is that easy to prepare myself for police training #computer-science #educator #police-officer #mentoring #counselling

My sister is doing her 12th with Biology, but she don't want to be a doctor. She want to do Engineering. So can She do?
Want to Switch from Biology to Engineering. Is it possible without wasting our academic years? #doctor #engineer #teacher #educator #counselling

What is the most benificial college for a psychology degree? Also, what degree is the most benificial?
I'm trying to choose a degree in psychology. I am not sure if it would be better to get a higher degree and do more schooling or just an average degree with less schoolling. Also, I am not sure what college would be the best for this degree. I've heard a lot of good news with Wisconsin and Illinios colleges, but am still not sure. Questions that will lead me to the answer could be the following: Is it close to Ilinios? How far away is it? Is it affordable for an average income family? Can I stay there without transferring to get my degree? Is the area safe? Is it private or public? Can I easily bike to get groceries or other things? Is the college not huge, but not too small? and... Will I be able to keep myself busy in my freetime? #psychology #social-work #counselor #therapy #psychiatry #counselling #mental-health #therapists

Can I become a counselor with only a Bachelor's degree?
While I do plan on going for a Master's since I'm hearing that's almost the minimum required level for counselling occupations, I was wondering if it's possible to get a job as a counselor with a Bachelor's? #psychology #counselor #counseling #counselling

How's a day in the life of a school counselor? What exactly do they do?
I am a Psychology major and I would love to work with bullied kids and help them overcome the pressure and struggle that is for them to go to school. I am not sure if working as a school counselor is the job that will let me have a better approach to this kids, that's why I would like to know about the work that they perform. #psychology #clinical-psychology #counselling #life-coach #child-psychology #school-psychology #educational-coaching

I am debating on whether to study teaching or psychology. I know that if I put my mind to it I can do which ever one, but how can I come to a conclusion on which major to focus on when I love helping others?
I am a senior in high school and I have always loved helping and putting others before me. With having to help out in the house as well as my siblings, helping is second nature to me and it is something that I excell at. I really want to have a profession in which I could help others with their lives. I asked this question because I feel as if I need more advice by people who do not know me and can give me an opinion that is not biased as other people that I ask advice from. #teacher #counselling #women #therapists #helping-others #adults

As an incoming undergrad who plans to major in psychology for clinical and counselling purposes, is it worth the time and the effort? Are there ample job opportunities in this profession?
I am extremely excited to start school and want to know if this is the path I should be heading down if i am looking for a career that i can find success in. #psychology #clinical-psychology #counselling

Is getting a Doctorate in Psychology the best way to make more money and be able to get more jobs in that field?
I am going to be a freshman in college this fall and I plan on majoring in Psychology but I want to plan a little more of my future out to have a goal on what I need to do to have the highest achievement. I know I am going for a Master's but is a Doctorate worth it? #college #psychology #doctorate-degree #clinical-psychology #masters #counselling #guidance-counselor #child-psychology

Colleges for doctor related to brain.
I want to become a brain doctor.when i go to college . Can you give me list of college in south india.Thank you #college #doctor #teacher #professor #counselling

How to become a successful brain doctor?
Hello! I am putting this question because i want to become a brain doctor.I am very interested to operate a brain. #doctor #teaching #nursing #professor #nurse #counselling #hospitals

How to become a police
Hi,I am Ramya.I am studying 11 aim is police #professor #police #counselling

What is the average of a doctor's pay?
Hi. I am interested in doctor. Can u tell me how much pay the doctors get? Can you brief me about the Government and the Private doctors work on a day and also their pay.(in Tamilnadu) #doctor #professor #professional #career-counseling #counselling

Qualities for a Computer Engg?
Hi. I am Jayashankar. Completed 10th Std. Going to select Computer science Group. Can u brief me what are the qualities required for a good computer Engineer. #engineer #professor #computer #student #counselling #it-support

How to become a Professional Doctor
Hai ! I am jeevika . I am studying in 10 standard .To become a professional Doctor? What are the qualifications. What are the Good qualities for Good Doctor? #doctor #professor #educator #counselling

How to improve mathematics skills and science skills ?
Hai I am Poomitha i am studying in 9th standard. Maths is problem solving subject how to improve maths skills? algebra, log, mensuration someone is easy other one is tough. and also How to improve science skills? #professor #math #counselling #teach